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  French Greeter Service (Gratuit Bienvenue de Melbourne)
Message PubliĂ© : 06 Juil 2003 11:02 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Juin 2003 16:56
Message(s) : 1245
Localisation : >Une aussie que vit a Ballarat, 100 km N-O de Melbourne
Salut tlm.
Hier, Ă  Melbourne, j’ai trouvĂ© une brochure qui serait trĂšs utile pour les visiteurs et etudiants francophones (et les autres) Ă  la citĂ©.

Melbourne Greeter Service
Le ‘Melbourne Greeter service’ est un service gratuit d’HĂŽtes volontaires qui offre aux personnes en visite Ă  Melbourne pour la premiĂšre fois l’occasion de dĂ©couvrir la ville Ă  travers les yeux et le coeur de ses habitants.

“Quand vous ĂȘtes en Australie, venez voir Melbourne!
Renommés pour leur hospitalité, les habitants de Melbourne sont originaires de tous les coins du monde. Leur diversité reflÚte dans tous les aspects de la vie de Melbourne.
Ville de contrastes, Melbourne offre un assortiment Ă©clectique de styles historiques, internationaux et contemporains. Culturelle, festive et sportive, Melbourne vous offre une gamme infinie d’experiences
Que vous vouliez des vacances pleins d’action, ou que vous prĂ©feriez vous dĂ©tendre en regardant tourner le monde - vous devez visitez Melbourne!

Syndicat d’initiative de la 'Ville de Melbourne'.
Venez dĂ©couvrir l’accueil chaleureux du ‘Melbourne Visitor Centre’ sur Federation Square. Ouvert sept jours sur sept for vous donner des informations touristiques sur Melbourne et sur l’Etat du Victoria.

‘Melbourne Greeter Service’ hĂŽtes sont des volontaires enthousiastes qui ont reçu une formation et dĂ©sirent partager leur connaissance de Melbourne en offrant une demie-journĂ©e d’orientation aux visiteurs. Ils sont choisis en fonction des langues et des intĂ©rĂȘts qu’ils partagent avec les visiteurs. Grace Ă  leur accueil amical, vous vous sentirez comme chez vous dans une des villes les plus cosmopolites et pluriculturelles du monde.

Le ‘Melbourne Greeter Service’ vous offre:
Une demi-journĂ©e d’orientation avec un volontaire qui parle votre langue et partage vos intĂ©rĂȘts.
Un choix de plus de 20 langues
Des réponses à vos questions sur Melbourne
L’occasion d’explorer Melbourne en tramway ou à pied
Une orientation personalisée pour 1 ou 2 personnes, ou pour une famille.

Les orientations peuvent ĂȘtre organisĂ©es toius les jours. Il est nĂ©cessaire de rĂ©server un minimum de trois jours ouvrables Ă  l’avance. Nous ferons tout notre possible pour satisfaire votre demande en fonction de la disponibilitĂ© des volontairs.

Demande d’hote du ‘Melbourne Greeter Service’ (I’ve shortened it a bit for space).
Code postal

Groupe: nombre d’adultes, d’enfants.
Dates du sejour...du .....a
Age: 18-30, 31-45..ou plus.
Raison principale de la visite
Je voudrais réserver un Hote volontaire pour le: (choisi 3 dates préferées)...heure....?

Suit de la demande:
“S’il vous plait, trouvez un Hote qui partage mon intĂ©rĂȘt pour: "

La culture aborigine (Koori)
Les marche
Leas arcades et ruelles
Les attractions de Melbourne
Les musées
Les galeries d’art
Melbourne culturel
Les spectacles
Le Sport
Le shopping et la mode
Les restaurants et cafés
La musique
Les parcs et jardins

(ou les autres)

“Je prĂ©fĂšre un Hote qui parle: L’anglais....ou “Autre”

Le Melbourne Greeter Service prendra contact avec vous pour confirmer votre réservation.
Renvoyer cette demande Ă 
Melbourne Greeter Service, Melbourne Visitor Centre at Federation Square,

Voila, c’est facile!

C’est un trùs bon nouvelle initiative, je pense.
Si bon, en fait, que j’ai decidĂ© d’organise une programme un peu comme ça dans ma citĂ© de Ballarat, 100 km Nord-Ouest de Melbourne (peut etre avec mes amis de L’Alliance Française)
Les petits voyages de ma citĂ© seront avec un melange d’anglais et Francais. Cette idĂ©e est pour s’amĂ©liorer mon français, de rencontre les gens d’un autre pays, et pour partager mon ville, parce que je crois que c’est trĂšs belle. Qu’est ce vous pensez de cette idee?

Kate :)

Message PubliĂ© : 06 Juil 2003 13:15 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Jan 2003 11:15
Message(s) : 1093
Hi Kate

Well done !!!!

Here are the first websites:

Greeter Service Booking (le mĂȘme formulaire en ligne) at :
http://www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/index.c ... fopage.cfm

Melbourne Greeter Service (service municipal) at :
http://www.thatsmelbourne.com.au/conten ... ment_ID=76

Melbourne Town Hall Tours (visite des services publics) at :
http://www.thatsmelbourne.com.au/conten ... t_ID=19511

Melbourne Visitors Database (les sites les plus visités) at :
http://www.thatsmelbourne.com.au/conten ... t_ID=19513

Victoria SMU (Bureau RĂ©gional des Immigrants) at :


~ ~ ~ ~

  Melbourne Greeter Service (aussi en francais)
Message PubliĂ© : 06 Juil 2003 18:57 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Juin 2003 16:56
Message(s) : 1245
Localisation : >Une aussie que vit a Ballarat, 100 km N-O de Melbourne
Merci Marc,

I hadn't had a chance to check out the website of this service yet...it's good, but strange that 'City of Melbourne' have their online booking form seulement en anglais, which I think could make it a little difficult for foreigners who maybe can't read all details of the request form in order to book it online...so I hope FDUers will benefit from the French version I found).

Kate :)

Message PubliĂ© : 07 Juil 2003 05:55 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Jan 2003 11:15
Message(s) : 1093
BECAUSE the problem is maybe always the same :

1. If Melbourne Office does publish the French form online, Melbourne Office needs a French native guy for reading regularly the feedback in French and answering regularly all the French-speakers visitors of the French planet and translate imminent local information from English to French online and adapt the communication situation to the French-speaker visitor as the day is.

2. For giving a real French native such a real job and pay the job, Melbourne Office needs sponsoring a candidate for a public job they will advertise about or will go ahead on finding an Australian citizen who can speak and write fluent French and does really want such a job.

3. But the Federal Immigration laws (at this age of the Australian history) 90% jobs of the Public State Services must be done to the "Good Australian candidates". That's the Australian "priority". (Same thing reverse in Europe for the European priority, except USA in many cases. example : British or Spanish fellows have the same passport than us now).

4. Many of the Australian candidates we speak about are not French natives neither French writers / webmasters neither professional translators from English to French neither French Multiple language Tourism consultants.

5. If some are, by purpose and chance (lucky guys !), at many times, they have other skills (because French writing and journalism-communication does give only 50 points at the skilled matching test ! You can not apply at the DIMIA as a Webmaster - journalist - translator at the same time....), except for 90 % French managers applicants (who don't care of feedback forms on the Internet of course !) because they want to set their own business and sell services and products. What is logical !!! (of course, they will not apply for a public job at the Tourism Office but will try and get any business visa even it costs a lot).

6. And when you tell the Melbourne bureau the solution is creating sponsored public temporary jobs online in French about that consideration, they ask you if you have a "work visa" ! You say no (and anyway not any title of any visa in Australia is named "Work Visa"), you need to be sponsored by the Victorian Government for such a job for becoming an Australian resident after 2 years on the track if you finally apply for. They say : what is your professional experience as Public Tourism consultant in Australia . You reply : none, because there are many jobs French citizens can not apply in Australia or (for reversing) Australian citizens can not apply in Europe, excepting Switzerland and some French/UK Islands if they do not migrate for becoming European residents.... etc...."

7. At the end of the day (I checked this morning), the form for French people will be only in English. Which is embarrassing when thousands French Web visitors don't speak English and will not fill an English form. And they will not learn English for visiting Australia 2 weeks in their life too.

Post-scriptum : 25 % Tourism consultants in Paris are English-speakers or American and English natives (I know just one Australian girl at the Paris Tourism Bureau for hundreds English, Irish etc....) even many Australians are searching for such a Communication job in Paris. 75% forms and feedback from Paris Tourism Bureau are translated to English. Correspondence too.

Maybe, France and Australia should resolve that problem before the year 2103. Unfortunately, we are not the Prime Minister of Australia neither the Prime Minister of France for resolving quickly so old Regional Skilled Migration Units problems. What a shame !!!!

Post-scriptum 2 : More 70 millions visitors in France late 2002. (First country visited of the planet. Because Australians, Kiwis, Americans... don't need a visa (with paid fee !) for visiting France and major party of Europe. They just need to take the plane and travel from a Country or State to another as they did in US and Canada.

And 15% new jobs created in Europe need English + one or 2 other languages skilled candidates (Italian, Spanish, German...), because European Tourism will be the first Euros billiards common Industry (+ new countries in the new European Community till 2005-2015).

4 examples :

http://www.visit-paris.com/homeus.html (in English and in French, full text + 200 linked websites)

http://www.paris-touristoffice.com/index_va_v2.html (in English and in French, full text + 150 linked websites)

http://www.thingstodo-paris.com/index.jsp?ADREF=02 (in English and some in French, full text + 50 linked websites)

http://www.paris-tours-guides.com (in English and in French, full text + 100 linked websites)


I just saw + 250 other websites public and private examples at Google simple search five minutes ago (+245,000 online pages). (+same thing for the 10 leader cities in France and 52 leader cities in Europe + Districts, National and Regional Links MULTIPLE Regional languages)......

In French, some say : "There are not any problem(s). There are only political solutions." :!: :!: :!:

Solution 1 : Please, show us the exact original Froggy form. We'll correct as possible and you'll pass on them.

Solution 2 : We should officially (and really) twin Paris and Melbourne, Nice and Sydney, Nantes and Perth.............

Solution 3 : Should be more Australians on this website.

Solution 4 : Let's Kate, Allison, Angela... think about that..... Ballarat and Melbourne + Brisbane and Mackay + Sydney ... may be stronger.

Friend to Friend


  Melbourne French Greeter Service
Message PubliĂ© : 08 Juil 2003 12:47 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Juin 2003 16:56
Message(s) : 1245
Localisation : >Une aussie que vit a Ballarat, 100 km N-O de Melbourne
Salut, I have come up with a partial solution to the problem of the English only form.

At the end of the day (I checked this morning), the form for French people will be only in English. Which is embarrassing when thousands French Web visitors don't speak English and will not fill an English form. And they will not learn English for visiting Australia 2 weeks in their life too.
Vraiment? I must be unusual...before I visited any european country, even for just a few days of my holiday (French, Italian or German speaking countries), I spent weeks (even sometimes months)
learning basics of the following:
How to ask for directions when lost (the answers can be the problems to understand!!)
How to order food, the names of major food items in that language
How to order ice cream in the flavours you like :-)
How to find accommodation and ask about transport.

I always found after this, that the experience I had in the countries was much nicer, and I was less anxious about possibly being looked upon as stupid, or not being able to eat!
And I didn't have to spend any money to do this - I used tape cassette programs from the library, along with the books that come with them, and I can say for sure that they work quite well. I spent 3 months using the German one (for just a 5 day stay in Germany!) and it was really valuable because where we stayed, nobody spoke English, and they remarked that they didn't know where I was from, because I had no accent!
I only wish this was the case of my French after over 10 years, but helas, I know I still have an Australian accent when I speak French.

Back to the problem that French speakers will not fill in an English form....
We post the original French translated form online somewhere. ..this site or yours maybe.
We get each French person who wants to visit melbourne and use this service to print it out, then log on to the www.thatsmelbourne.com.au website and to get on the screen the English version of the same form.
Then, we ask the French person to fill in their copy of the French form.
They look at the 2 forms, and fill in the same marks/ticks on the spaces, because they can read the French one to know what items they should tick on the English one, because they are all in the same order.
At the bottom of the French form we will have made some extra text, which we will ask the French person to 'cut and paste' onto the bottom of the English form before they email it to Federation Square Tourist Info services.
This pasted text from the 'new' French brochures could say something like "I don't speak English. I filled in this form from a French translation.
I would like the meeting point for the tour to be at the Information desk at Federation Square Info Centre. Please tell me very simply what date and time has been accepted and I will be there".
And they would send this off, having written their form without having to know English, and I'm sure when the dates come back to them, even those with limited French could understand what date it is, or for just a few words they could use a dictionary.
And on the other side, the people at the Tourism office receive what looks like to them, an English written form, which they can understand, without having to ask a French guide or translator.

What do you think?
If I had to do this in German, even with the small amount I have, I think I could do it. When my French was not so good at all and I was in Paris, I still managed to use an automatic train ticket machine (even if it did take me 20 minutes, using logic and guessing) so I guess it's a bit like that.

Post-scriptum 2 : More 70 millions visitors in France late 2002.
Gee! So many. In Victoria, Ballarat's Sovereign Hill would have to be the No 1 visited man made tourist attraction, but its yearly figures are still some way under the 1 million people mark!

Solution 2 : We should officially (and really) twin Paris and Melbourne, Nice and Sydney, Nantes and Perth.............
Hmm, I think if 'twinning' were to be done, Sydney and Paris would be the ones to link, not Melbourne (as Sydney is sometimes called 'The Paris of Australia'.
It's a great idea, but Ballarat has its own twin city...and I'm sure almost nobody remembers which Japanese city it is, except once a year or something when some delegates from there visit and there is some publicity. (And there is the sign somewhere on entering the city, but nobody reads it, I'm sure)

Solution 3 : Should be more Australians on this website.

Does anybody know an approximate number of how many Oz born Australians there are on this site?
I find it impossible to tell from the member list.
It doesn't matter, of course, but I'd just be interested to know the other side of the coin: how many other Aussies are such fans of France comme moi!
And how do we encourage more Australians? (Besides me telling all my Alliance Francaise contacts).
I guess some are shy to write in French because they think their French is bad and people might laugh (well, I don't let that stop me! but at first it was hard....)
And the abbreviations in some of the posts make reading them very difficult (Sand has said something about doing an 'abbreviations explained' page for the site some time)
And like me, I think a lot of people probably can't write in French all the time - it takes so much concentration and so much time...but if they write in English, many people might not understand them at all, and if in the 2 languages mixed a little, even I'm finding with some surprise that some people still can't understand me...but if I wait till I can write only in French for making more postings online.....there will be no more posts from me for a very long time :(

Message PubliĂ© : 08 Juil 2003 14:07 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Jan 2003 11:15
Message(s) : 1093
:lol: :lol: :lol:

ChĂšre Kate,

Tu as raison. Pour commencer, améliorons ton français puisque tu le souhaites ainsi. Voilà pourquoi je te répond en ce moment en français dans le texte. AprÚs tout, j'ai rarement vu une australienne faire autant d'efforts pour apprendre autant, coûte que coûte, chaque jour et avec une telle conviction. Telles sont les heureuses exceptions. (and don't wait till you can write only in French. Spelling is not a problem. No worries.)

Je dois dire que tu as vraiment beaucoup d'humour et un superbe franc-parler. Oui, l'Ă©ternel problĂšme du touriste qui n'arrive jamais Ă  se faire comprendre Ă  l'Ă©tranger finit par ĂȘtre risible quand il se rĂ©pĂšte trop souvent. Oui, beaucoup d'anglophones ont Ă©normĂ©ment de mal Ă  apprendre le français. Et beaucoup de francophones ont Ă©normĂ©ment de mal Ă  apprendre l'anglais. Oui, beaucoup d'administrations ne rĂ©alisent pas que le tourisme est devenu international et donc, multi-linguistique en permanence. Mais Ă  force de patience, la logique finira bien l'emporter. (And we are in love with Australia, so...)

Fort heureusement, une grande partie de notre gĂ©nĂ©ration est de celle que tous ces problĂšmes (ni bien d'autres, du reste) n'arrĂȘtent pas. Sans quoi, le voyage ou l'Ă©migration deviendraient de rĂ©els moments de calvers tels que tu les dĂ©cris ici avec beaucoup de drĂŽlerie. (moi-mĂȘme, ceci dit, qui parle français depuis ma naissance, j'ai aussi parfois du mal Ă  acheter un ticket de train Ă  la SNCF - The National French Train Company - quand il n'y a personne derriĂšre la caisse pour me renseigner sur les horaires rĂ©elles des trains...) "Say :"S'il vous plait, madame, rĂ©pondez-moi enfin !!!".

Pour ce qui est du formulaire en français que la ville de Melbourne n'osera jamais publier sur son site de peur de recevoir des réponses ou des emails en français auxquels elle devrait fatalement répondre en français, disons que c'est un exemple frappant d'immobilisme effectivement. Mais on peut heureusement visiter Melbourne sans avoir affaire à l'office du tourisme et louer une voiture pour aller visiter Ballarat, Bendigo ou Macedon (encore qu'avec l'histoire des permis.... mais bon, laissons cela).

Finalement, il reste encore deux solutions :

- élire quelqu'un comme Kate au poste de Ministre du Tourisme du Victoria, Maire de Ballarat ou Chargé de communication auprÚs de l'office du tourisme de Melbourne, qui aura tÎt fait de faire traduire tous les formulaires en français et de faire embaucher les personnels compétents pour répondre à ceux qui répondent aux formulaires. (Where is the Gold ?)

- soutenir la création de ton groupe francophone du Victoria. (en tous cas, moi c'est OK). You're welcome.

- pousser les Gouvernements français et australien à améliorer leurs relations. Mais ce n'est pas gagné.... A long time....

L'Alliance Française a de la chance de t'avoir comme amie. J'espÚre qu'ils te méritent, car je t'assure, si tout le monde avait l'humour et le courage de s'exprimer librement en français ou en anglais comme toi, bien des choses iraient mieux. (Say : "Je vote pour ceux qui aime les Français").

Friendly post-sriptum : Sydney is not the "Paris of Australia". Sydney looks more the French Riviera (many English-speakers there) or the Spanish Costa Del sol. We should create a new city in Australia : something like "Paris-ville", "Paris-Town", "Paris-Bush" or "Froggytown".... Who knows ?...

Bonjour Ă  tous les Creswick Friends du Ouest Victoria.

Thanks Kate

I will read "French explorers" asap and I will be of help to you.


M :lol: ~

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