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  [De facto] Quelque information s'il vous plaĂ®t
Message PubliĂ© : 01 FĂ©v 2005 16:29 
New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 01 FĂ©v 2005 16:23
Message(s) : 1
Localisation : Perth
Hi guys

I'm a French born South African (Born in Alsace, lived in Cape Town.....) My French writing is not too good, so I'll write this in English

I came back to Australia with my Australian girlfriend (I have a 1 year working holiday visa) But now I want to apply for a De Facto visa.....

Has any other French guys done this? If so, please let me know what you had to do, maybe little tips on making sure I get the visa, etc.

I'm really nervous to apply and need all the help I can get

Message PubliĂ© : 01 FĂ©v 2005 18:28 
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FranceDownUnder Addict
FranceDownUnder Addict
Inscription : 30 Nov 2004 20:23
Message(s) : 137
Localisation : Melbourne

Don't worry mate!!
The longer you've been together the better, if you have proof of your relationship : photos, electricity bills with your names...it's great(Dimia wants to see that you have a genuine relationship).
Your de facto visa will replace your working holyday visa when you get it.
You need to have been together for a certain time (check with dimia, but call 3 or 4 times because you get different answers sometimes).
The best could be to see a migration agent, i did this when i got married, and i had no problems.
You get a permanent residency after 2 years (they check if you still together)
It's a straight forward situation but you should see a migration agent to do everything properly, and have no problems getting your visa.



Message PubliĂ© : 02 FĂ©v 2005 13:45 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 27 Sep 2004 07:15
Message(s) : 474
Localisation : Northern beaches since 2003

you must be able to prove that you've been living (whereever) for one year with your girlfriend. good evidence would be bills in both names, mail sent to both names, a joint bank account...

once you have a few elements it is pretty straight-forward and you will obtain permanent de-facto residency...

good luck :mrgreen:

Message PubliĂ© : 02 FĂ©v 2005 20:46 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 05 Sep 2003 11:44
Message(s) : 238
Localisation : Melbourne
Hi Sebastien,

Well straight forward is a bit easy...
As Gourmand said, You need to prove that you've been living with your gf for more than a year. Thats actually the only way you can get residency. You'll be granted a bridging visa while DIMIA is processing your application onshore. Moreover, you'll both need to supply a personnal letter detailing the history of your relationship, how you met, and how you managed to keep in touch during periods of separation (if any). Your application needs to be clear and really solid, because this visa is not granted easily. If successful,you'll get permanent residence after a 2-year temporary residence period.
I didnt go through this process, but i had a fiance visa, which is pretty similar. If you have any more question fell free to ask...

Message PubliĂ© : 04 FĂ©v 2005 15:49 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 19 DĂ©c 2003 02:12
Message(s) : 228
Localisation : Melbourne - Brunswick
I agree with choppy, dude. I'm in the process of having mine refused, and the whole thing is way more tedious and strict than it seems to be.

pictures, emails and stuff are good enough to prove that your relationship is genuine but not to prove that it is a de-facto one. by de-facto, they understand a couple that's more than just boyfriend-girlfriend but more like a married couple that's not married. living together is not enough, having common bills is not enough either.

what counts more is the joint-account thing, a will, a power of attorney, a letter from center-link, and so on and so on.

The mistake we made was to think that you're considered de-facto 1 year after starting to live together. the fact is, you're de-facto right away, but you must prove 1 year of being de-facto. so the joint-account, the will, or whatever serious/official proof you provide them with must be more than a year old.

and don't take whatever a dude from the DIMIA tells you for granted. some of them don't know s--t. We called them many times to explain our situation and ask them if it'd be better to get married. they always said, that nope, we'd be alright.

now we had our interview on monday, and the chick told us that she had absolutely no doubt we were a genuine couple, and she'd love to help us. however she's got very stict guideline, and if we don't provide her with "de-facto evidence", she'll be unable to grant the visa. she also mentionned that they were way more demanding for de-facto application than for married couples, as immigration considers it to be one step further in the relationship. (she also told me it was bullshit to her, but ah well, she's gotta do her job)

so yeah man, whatever you do, don't assume that your pictures and email are gonna be enough. they're not.

I'll keep you guys updated with my situation. I dropped some new magically-found evidence at the dimia today, so we'll see how it goes.


  Good luck
Message PubliĂ© : 04 FĂ©v 2005 16:21 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 12 Mars 2003 08:24
Message(s) : 434
Localisation : Strasbourg,BXL,Reims,Palm-Springs, Boston, Paris, Melbourne, Yarraville et Sanctuary Lakes...
Good Luck Anyway Dude

We cross the finger for you guys...


Message PubliĂ© : 04 FĂ©v 2005 17:19 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
Message(s) : 1814
Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
Hello Sebastien,

In case you can read OK in French, here is an article on the de-facto visa.

As the others said, DIMIA will want proof of the relationship: everything mentionned above is good. They also like to see that you are doing things together like travels, socializing, photos or paper prof like photocopy of plane tickets are good. Another important element is that you and your partner have met each other's family and have photos of that too.
It is always good to have letters from both parents saying good things about the relationship...

Keep us posted on how things go.


Message PubliĂ© : 04 FĂ©v 2005 18:20 
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FranceDownUnder Addict
FranceDownUnder Addict
Inscription : 30 Nov 2004 20:23
Message(s) : 137
Localisation : Melbourne
Hello tout le monde

Certains ont l'etre dans la m...
J'ai fait tout mes visas avec mon agent :

Lana Hotimsky
185 Elizabeth Street,
Sydney, New South Wales
(02) 9283 4604
Elle a demenage, mais je crois que j'ai retrouve son adresse,
elle est russe et parle un peu francais.

Elle a fait mon visa quand j'etais a Melbourne, et je n'ai pas eu l'ombre d'un probleme.
Pour ceux qui ne sont que de Facto et qui ont des problemes,
Marriez vous :P

C'est beau un mariage, on pleure, on rit, on est beau, et ca fait pas mal.

Mais bon chacun ses choix.



Message PubliĂ© : 15 FĂ©v 2005 09:13 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 19 DĂ©c 2003 02:12
Message(s) : 228
Localisation : Melbourne - Brunswick
My immigration officer called me yesterday night to let me know she had granted me my visa for valentine's day :D .

tof :mrgreen:

Message PubliĂ© : 24 FĂ©v 2005 19:32 
New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 24 FĂ©v 2005 18:58
Message(s) : 10
Localisation : Seven Hills
Dear Sebastien!

I am french and my fiancé is South African/English and has a permanent resident permit.

I will apply on the de facto section and I hope it will be ok too.

It sounds like it is complicated and long to me...

I wish you good luck man!

Keep us informed about your situation!

Fannie :wink:

Message PubliĂ© : 24 FĂ©v 2005 20:58 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 19 DĂ©c 2003 02:12
Message(s) : 228
Localisation : Melbourne - Brunswick
Hey Seb,

Don't hesitate to send me a mail if you have any question about the whole thing. I was pretty lucky to get the visa, and I think I now have a fairly good idea about what would pass, and what wouldn't.


tof :mrgreen:

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