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  recherche chocolatier sur l'australie
Message Publié : 21 Sep 2007 20:13 
Inscription : 16 Sep 2005 12:20
Message(s) : 39
Localisation : bondi
1. An opportunity exists for an expert CHOCOLATIER.
We are a medium size manufacturing company producing fine confectionery products which are sold Aust. wide & internationally. We also have retail outlets in Sydney selling fine chocolates which are currently imported from France and Belgium.
The offer involves setting up a new facility for the production of Fine chocolates using only the Best ingredients. You will be totally in charge of the operation.
You can choose employment only as manager or we can offer you up to 40% shareholding in the business with NO money up front. All expenses will be at our cost.
This is a business which not only has the demand to supply existing shops but will be plugged in to our existing clientele of more than 2,500 accounts and its going to fly.
If there was a once in a life time opportunity to join a strong family company who are loyal and trustworthy with staff being their top priority this has to be the one.
If you are working for us you can expect a salary of +80k great working conditions in a brand new manufacturing facility of 1500sqm size with personalized parking.
If you choose to become a share holder the sky's the limit.
As long as you know how to produce fine chocolates we don’t mind which option you choose.
You must have extensive experience backed up with documentation and resume. We want the best person available.
Contact Andrew direct on 612 9792 2202 or 0414911228 or info@nougatlimar.com.au with your resume.
If you are overseas we will Sponsor you.

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