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  Prince declares farm a kingdom, independent d'Oz
Message Publié : 29 Juil 2005 18:24 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Juin 2003 16:56
Message(s) : 1245
Localisation : >Une aussie que vit a Ballarat, 100 km N-O de Melbourne
July 19, 2005:

A Self-proclaimed prince who declared his family farm an independent kingdom wrote a letter to a "devil" in the tax office, arguing he and his sons did not have to pay tax, a Melbourne court was told today.

(Histoire a: http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,15 ... 62,00.html)

The Rigoli family – father Virgilio, 67, and sons Philip, 36, and Little Joe, 25 – named their property near Shepparton dans le nord de Victoria, the "Principality of Ponderosa", arguing it was not part of Australia.

Virgilio and Little Joe were charged with defrauding the Commonwealth in June 2001 after police raided the family's property, while Philip was charged three years later.

The trio was convicted of fraud earlier this month, while Virgilio – the self-proclaimed prince of Ponderosa – was also found guilty of obtaining an illegal pension.

During a pre-sentencing hearing today, Victorian County Court judge Tim Wood heard the trio earned $6.9 million between 1991 and 2000 through its polystyrene box manufacturing firm.

"The accused had decided that they were not going to pay taxation to the Commonwealth of Australia and had gone to the trouble of setting up an independent municipality ... to distance themselves from the laws of Australia," crown prosecutor Gavin Silbert told the court.

He said Virgilio wrote a letter to an employee at the Australian Tax Office (ATO), addressing it "to the devil possessed," and Little Joe wrote another letter explaining why he refused to pay tax.
"I do not recognise nor will I ever recognise the government of Australia, signed: His Royal Highness, Little Joseph Rigoli,"
Mr Silbert said the letter read.

He said fences were erected around their 24 hectare property, which issued its own Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1994.
The farm was surrounded by a moat (entoure par un fosse) and people required passports to enter and leave.


Defence counsel for Virgilio said "Ponderosa" was a manifestation of his client's "resentment" towards the Department of Agriculture, which bulldozed his fruit crop after it became infested with a pest.

"That was what caused him to set up the principality – it had nothing to do with the Australian Tax Office," he said.

.....The hearing continues tomorrow.

Bizarre histoire huh? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Dernière édition par Kate le 30 Juil 2005 11:52, édité 1 fois.

Message Publié : 29 Juil 2005 21:23 
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Inscription : 23 Juin 2003 18:04
Message(s) : 34
Localisation : Paris maintenant (Melbourne en 2003/2004)
Et ce n'est pas le premier Australien qui a des velléités d'indépendance : il y a déjà une principauté plus ou moins reconnue par le gouvernement en WA :

"The Hutt River Province Principality is a self-proclaimed independent nation-state consisting of an approximately seventy-five square kilometre enclave located 595 kilometres north of Perth, on the western side of the Australian continent. It was founded on 21 April, 1970 by farmer Leonard George Casley when he and his associates proclaimed their secession from the state of Western Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia. "...la suite sur http://www.imperial-collection.net/hutt_river_main.html

Message Publié : 30 Juil 2005 05:07 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 26 Nov 2004 05:07
Message(s) : 410
Localisation : annecy
Hutt river m'a toujours fasciné....


Message Publié : 30 Juil 2005 13:53 
FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 23 Juil 2004 21:42
Message(s) : 889
Moi, j'adore celui là ! ça me fait marrer :lol: ....


Quoi ?...c'est pas pareil ? Ah bon...

Sisko :?

Message Publié : 30 Juil 2005 15:07 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 28 Déc 2003 02:49
Message(s) : 664
Localisation : Fremantle or South of France
Sisko a écrit :
Moi, j'adore celui là ! ça me fait marrer :lol: ....


Quoi ?...c'est pas pareil ? Ah bon...

Sisko :?

Euh ouais c'est vrai que c'es pas un site très joli....et pi tout le monde s'en fout sauf Gala, Voici et France Dimanche


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