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  water rats
Message Publié : 24 Déc 2003 01:12 
Inscription : 01 Sep 2003 03:56
Message(s) : 31
Localisation : France

Do you know the TV show "Water rats" with Colin Friels and Catherine McClements?
I just LOVE it!It's my favourite Tv show with "the little house in the prairie"!!

  Re: water rats
Message Publié : 25 Déc 2003 07:20 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Juin 2003 16:56
Message(s) : 1245
Localisation : >Une aussie que vit a Ballarat, 100 km N-O de Melbourne
dilo a écrit :

Do you know the TV show "Water rats" with Colin Friels and Catherine McClements?
I just LOVE it!It's my favourite Tv show with "the little house in the prairie"!!

You know, Water Rats has quite an amusing reputation: many people I know laugh at it a lot because wherever they are, there seems to be a shot of the opera house or the Sydney Harbour bridge behind them 99% of the time. :mrgreen:
So it's also seen as a very 'touristic' show more than a real series.

There used to be a much better one, with Gary Sweet, "Police Rescue" which was very spectacular with all kinds of NSW scenery & Sydney, not just the bridge. Worth seeing if they show any re-runs over Xmas, notorious season for bad tv.

Kate :)

Message Publié : 26 Déc 2003 19:51 
Inscription : 01 Sep 2003 03:56
Message(s) : 31
Localisation : France
Hi Kate,

First of all..:MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! :D
What did the Xmas Father bring you in your shoes? :wink:
Well,about Water rats,I found the 3 first seasons great because of the play of the two leading actors.But,it's true that we see a lot the opera house and Sydney Harbour!! :roll:
Take care of you ! :)

  Re: yes..
Message Publié : 27 Déc 2003 13:06 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Juin 2003 16:56
Message(s) : 1245
Localisation : >Une aussie que vit a Ballarat, 100 km N-O de Melbourne
Salut Dilo

Merci beaucoup! Et bonne annee a toi...presque.

dilo a écrit :
Well,about Water rats,I found the 3 first seasons great because of the play of the two leading actors.But,it's true that we see a lot the opera house and Sydney Harbour!! :roll:

I think they also exported "Police Rescue" to foreign countries for a similar reason - lots of spectacular scenes of people being rescued off bridges (like Sydney harbour and other picturesque locations around Sydney) by good actors who are good looking as well. It ran for many seasons here and was very popular. Maybe there's a movie of it on DVD or something.


Message Publié : 28 Déc 2003 18:18 
Inscription : 01 Sep 2003 03:56
Message(s) : 31
Localisation : France
Hi kate,

You're right,yep..
We've seen the "lord of the rings III"yesterday evening:wow!having three hours of battle non-stop is somehow exhausting.But it's a great movie.
Take care of you! :)

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