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  21-24 nov: signature Working Holidays France-Australie !!!!
Message PubliĂ© : 18 Nov 2003 08:54 
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Inscription : 06 Oct 2002 18:35
Message(s) : 604
Localisation : NSW Mid-North Coast, Australia.

Aaaaaaaaaaah.... on sera peut-ĂȘtre pas champion du monde de rugby mais on va pouvoir travailler en Australie !!!!!!

C'est tout nouveau tout chaud, ça vient de tomber dans ma boite email et j'ai encore du mal à y croire :

[diplomatie-actualites] 17/11 - Point de presse du porte-parole du Quai d'Orsay a Ă©crit :

''Le SecrĂ©taire d'Etat M. Renaud Muselier se rendra en visite officielle en Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande du 19 au 20 novembre puis en Australie du 21 au 24 novembre 2003. Il s'agit de la premiĂšre visite d'un reprĂ©sentant du Quai d'Orsay en Australie et en Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande depuis 1992. Cette visite est destinĂ©e avant tout Ă  renforcer avec ces deux pays du Pacifique sud - dont la France est une puissance riveraine - une relation politique et de coopĂ©ration rĂ©gionale de qualitĂ©. En outre, nos Ă©changes Ă©conomiques et commerciaux avec l'Australie, oĂč sont installĂ©s prĂšs de 50.000 Français, ainsi qu'avec la Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande, sont en vive progression ces derniĂšres annĂ©es. M. Renaud Muselier sera reçu dans ces pays au plus haut niveau. Il rencontrera le Premier Ministre australien, M. Howard et le Premier Ministre nĂ©o-zĂ©landais, Mme Clark. Il signera Ă  Canberra deux accords : le traitĂ© de coopĂ©ration dans les zones maritimes adjacentes aux territoires des Ăźles Heard et Mac Donald et aux Terres australes et antarctiques françaises (TAAF) et l'accord vacances-travail, qui permettra aux jeunes de chacun des deux pays de sĂ©journer une annĂ©e dans l'autre pays, tout en y travaillant. Avec le Ministre des Affaires Ă©trangĂšres de Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande, il signera le communiquĂ© conjoint du Projet '' Prepare '', projet de coopĂ©ration en matiĂšre de surveillance de la santĂ© publique dans le Pacifique Sud.''

Comme dirait la Poste, pour une bonne nouvelle, c'est une bonne nouvelle !!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Message PubliĂ© : 18 Nov 2003 09:11 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
Message(s) : 1814
Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
Ah, l'espoir va renaitre dans les chaumieres des ch'ti jeunes!!!



Message PubliĂ© : 18 Nov 2003 11:45 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Jan 2003 11:15
Message(s) : 1093

C'est une nouvelle superbe pour les jeunes Australiens en France et les jeunes Français en Australie. Tous attendaient cela depuis un trÚs long moment. Comme quoi, tout finit par arriver avec de la patience.

Croisons les doigts pour que le voyage de monsieur Muselier se passe au mieux, que les dĂ©bats aillent Ă  leur terme, qu'aucune interfĂ©rence de derniĂšre minute ne vienne gĂȘner cette dĂ©marche, et que cela soit un signe de trĂšs grand optimisme pour l'avenir commun de la France et de l'Australie.

Un scoop comme celui-ci n'arrive pas tous les jours.

Vraiment bien joué Sandrine. Tu as été plus rapide que l'éclair.





Message PubliĂ© : 18 Nov 2003 13:33 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 15 Avr 2003 15:03
Message(s) : 659
Localisation : Melbourne
Moi j'attends l'accord permettant de resider en permanence en Australie sans travailler, tout frais payes bien evidemment.

Pas de nouvelles sur celui la Sand ?


  La diplomatie progresse Ă  grands pas.
Message PubliĂ© : 19 Nov 2003 04:35 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Jan 2003 11:15
Message(s) : 1093
Suite des communiqués et confirmations successives des événements en parallÚle.

Les pilotes sont prĂȘts. Le Rallye commence sur les chapeaux de roue...

Citer :
Australia - France - New Zealand
French foreign affairs State Secretary to meet Clark, Howard, on Pacific tour.

Paris, November 18 (Oceania Flash)

French State Secretary for foreign affairs, Renaud Muselier, will visit Australia and New Zealand later this month, the French foreign office said on Monday.
The French top official is scheduled to arrive in New Zealand on November 19 for a two-day visit. He will meet New Zealand Prime minister Helen Clark and her foreign minister Phil Goff.
A joint French-New Zealand project called “Prepare” (to be hosted by the NoumĂ©a-based Secretariat of the Pacific Community), designed to improve public health surveillance and networking in the Pacific islands, is also to be officially launched by Muselier and Goff.
In Australia, where Muselier will stay for four days starting November 21st, talks are also scheduled with Prime minister John Howard.
The two are expected to sign a cooperation treaty on common maritime borders, especially regarding the islands of Heard, Mac Donald and the French Antarctic and austral islands, in the South pole.
Another agreement said to be in the pipeline is a Working Holidays Agreement between French and Australian authorities, allowing young French and Australians to reside in each other’s country for up to one year for short-time employment.
In April this year, Ms Clark, as part of a European tour, held talks with French President Chirac and French Prime minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin.
She said at the time relations between the two countries were in “very, very good shape”, after years of tensions due to the French nuclear tests in the Pacific (which ended early 1996) and the dark episode of the bombing of Greenpeace flag ship the Rainbow Warrior by French agents in 1985.
This year, Chirac and Clark stressed areas of common interests and converging views, such as advocating a multilateral approach on the Iraq issue.
“This is the first visit at that level in Australia and New Zealand since 1992”, a French Foreign affairs spokesman said this week in Paris.
He added the main goal of Muselier’s visit was to “boost quality political and regional cooperation relations with those two South Pacific countries, of whom France is a neighbouring power”.
French President Chirac, during a Pacific tour in July this year, where he held a so-called “France-Oceania” meeting in French Polynesia, said he hoped France, through its Pacific territories of New Caledonia, French Polynesia and Wallis and Futuna, would boost French cooperation with the region’s two main powers.
Chirac mentioned technological, scientific and defence cooperation as the main cooperation areas.
The July trip, which included neither Australia nor New Zealand, however prompted reactions from those two countries, including the Australian Parliamentary opposition which said Australia was snubbed because of current differences on the Iraq issue.
Chirac’s office said this was due to an extremely tight schedule.
Chirac is tipped to come back to the Pacific region next year, this time to visit Wallis and Futuna (Northeast of Fiji), a visit he promised to the islanders who had come to see him in Nouméa.
The visit, if it eventuates, could also include this time Australia and New Zealand.

source CPS / PAD Flash d'Océanie / Oceania Flash

Citer :

Paris, November 18 (Press Briefing)

Foreign Secretary Renaud Muselier will make an official visit to New
Zealand on November 19 and 20 then Australia from November 21 to 24, 2003.
It is the first visit to Australia and New Zealand by a representative of
the Quai d’Orsay since 1992...
The purpose is mainly to strengthen the sound political relations and
regional cooperation
with these two countries in the South Pacific where
France is a neighboring power. In addition, our economic and trade
relations with Australia, where there are nearly 50,000 French nationals,
and with New Zealand, have been increasing significantly over the past few
Renaud Muselier will be received in these countries at the highest level.
He will meet with Australian Prime Minister Howard and New Zealand Prime
Minister Clark. (...)

source French Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Press Briefing

Renaud Muselier, Secrétaire d'Etat aux Affaires EtrangÚres

Citer :
Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande - France

Wellington, November 18 (lettre d'information)

L'Alliance Française de Wellington invite les Français présents dans la capitale néo-zélandaise à se joindre aux célébrations qui auront lieu aux Council Chambers du Wellington City Council, le jeudi 20 novembre, en présence de M. Jean-Michel Marlaud, Ambassadeur de France en Nouvelle-Zélande, et M. Renaud Muselier, Secrétaire d'Etat français aux Affaires EtrangÚres.

source New Zealand, newsletter AF

Citer :
France - Australie

Canberra, November 18 (Actualisation dĂ©pĂȘche)

"Signing of French-Australian Science & Technology Programme and National Launch of Feast-France" : signature confirmée du nouveau programme franco-australien de coopération scientifique.

The signing of a new French-Australian Science and Technology Programme took place at the Australian Academy of Science in Canberra on Wednesday November 12. The programme, to be known as FAST will be jointly funded by the French Embassy (contribution of Euro 150,000) and the Department of Education, Science and Training (AUD 250,000). It will provide resources for a DEST-French Embassy Call for Proposals, to support workshops and collaborative research projects. The programme will be open to both public and private researchers, with priority being given to the fields of natural resources, life sciences, energy, material and Information and Communication Technology.

The signing of the new agreement coincided with the launch of FEAST-France research network. The network, a sub-group of FEAST (Forum for European-Australian Science and Technology cooperation), will provide support for the French-Australian research community, facilitating the organisation of collaborative projects, workshops and other activities through a network of liaison officers and the provision of information on grants, events, contacts and potential partners.

The launch was followed by a two-day FEAST conference on November 13 and 14 entitled Networking for Excellence, which brought together Australian and European policy makers and experts. Day one consisted of a number of plenary sessions while day two featured a series of workshops. Speakers included the Minister for Science, Mr Peter McGauran, Australia’s Chief Scientist, Dr Robin Batterham, Chair of the Australian Research Council, Mr Tim Besley, and European Commission Director for the Environment, Dr Chris Patermann.

source Feast members - signature du programme de coopération scientifique - France, Australia


DerniÚre édition par marcelie2002 le 21 Nov 2003 08:53, édité 1 fois.

Message PubliĂ© : 19 Nov 2003 10:34 
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Inscription : 06 Oct 2002 18:35
Message(s) : 604
Localisation : NSW Mid-North Coast, Australia.
Voilà, ca y est, l'Ambassade de France à Canberra vient juste de le confirmer... L'accord Working Holiday sera bien signé.

Voici une copie de la note d'information de l'ambassade, qui précise aussi le calendrier de cette visite officielle :

Citer :



French Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Mr Renaud Muselier, will be making an official visit to Australia from Friday 21 until Monday 24 November. He will be accompanied by French parliamentarians Philippe Vitel and Pierre Frogier. Details of his visit are as follows:

* Friday 21 November - Sydney
As Deputy Mayor of Marseilles, he will attend a reception for representatives of the 13 host cities of the Rugby World Cup 2007, hosted by the Government of New South Wales. Following this he will meet with Premier Bob Carr.

Mr Muselier will be a guest at the luncheon to launch the Rugby World Cup 2007 to be held at the Four Seasons Hotel. The Minister will then officially open the new premises of the Lycée Condorcet French school in Maroubra, before attending a reception for the French community.

He will commence the evening with a guided tour of Telstra Stadium, before being welcomed to a dinner organised by the French-Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the French Trade Counsellors.

* Saturday 22 November - Sydney
The Minister will visit Sydney Harbour. In the afternoon Mr Muselier will lay a wreath at the La Perouse Monument with the Mayor of Randwick, Dominic Sullivan, and Veterans representatives. The Minister will also attend the final of the Rugby World Cup.

* Sunday 23 November - Adelaide
Mr Muselier will visit Adelaide, where the port facilities are managed by French company Egis. He will also visit the Barossa Valley at the invitation of the Orlando-Wyndham group, a subsidiary of French group Pernod Ricard.

* Monday 24 November - Canberra
Mr Muselier will meet Minister for Immigration, Amanda Vanstone and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Alexander Downer.

Following these meetings the Minister will sign two important French-Australian agreements. The Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs will sign on behalf of Australia. The first, the Treaty on Cooperation in the Maritime Areas Adjacent to the French Southern and Antarctic Territories (TAAF), Heard Island and the McDonald Islands, concerns cooperation in the fight against illegal fishing in the sub-Antarctic waters, and the second is the Working Holiday Arrangement. The signing of these two agreements will be followed by a joint press conference with Mr Downer.

Mr Muselier will then visit the Australian War Memorial where he will lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, with his final engagement a visit to the French-Australian Telopea Park School.

Canberra, November 19, 2003

DerniÚre édition par Sand le 20 Nov 2003 09:42, édité 1 fois.

Message PubliĂ© : 19 Nov 2003 12:01 
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FranceDownUnder Addict
FranceDownUnder Addict
Inscription : 02 Sep 2003 15:19
Message(s) : 118
Localisation : Randwick NSW
Bon boulot Sand, (mais comment fait-elle?!?)
Voila la meilleure reponse a la question que tous les jeunes francais se posaient depuis des lustres: pour tout le monde et pas nous?

Je vais faire circuler l'info autour de moi, de ce qui est a mon avis le meilleur cadeau de Noel que nos gouvernements pouvaient nous faire!! (a part peut etre la gratuite des transports publics pour tous les jeunes de moins de 35 ans)

Message PubliĂ© : 19 Nov 2003 13:21 
New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 07 Nov 2003 11:47
Message(s) : 6
Localisation : Kellyville, Sydney
C'est genial!!! This is really wonderful news. This will solve the problem for a lot of french nationals who want to visit australia and be able to work here at the same time.

I just wish this came much earlier, then my fiance could have saved a lot of money by working while he was here for 6 months. Tant pis...

Merci beaucoup Sand for letting us know straight away.


Message PubliĂ© : 19 Nov 2003 13:42 
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FranceDownUnder Addict
FranceDownUnder Addict
Inscription : 26 Sep 2003 13:57
Message(s) : 163
Localisation : Adelaide
ahh que j'avais 29 ans une fois encore! :!: :(


  Le Rallye des MĂ©dias...
Message PubliĂ© : 20 Nov 2003 01:31 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Jan 2003 11:15
Message(s) : 1093
Scoop Ă  la Une... Suivons les concurrents du "Paris-NZ-Australia" Ă  la trace...

Citer :
New Zealand / France / Australia
Beaujolais Nouveau, Muselier coming to NZ

Auckland, November 19 (NBR)

"Le Beaujolais Nouveau Est Arrivé!" -- and with it, this year, comes French Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Renaud Muselier.

The famous slogan trumpeted by the Beaujolais industry every year at this time celebrates the commercial release of newly bottled Beaujolais, only months off the vine, and is among the most successful marketing campaigns ever launched.

The wine will be officially uncorked tomorrow -- at one minute past midnight on November 20 (the third Thursday of November), as per tradition and French law -- in France and couriered around the world by a dramatic variety of high-speed conveyances that in the past has included special flights on the Concorde.

Made entirely from hand-picked Gamay grapes grown in Beaujolais, France, the light, fruity Nouveaus have a poor reputation among drinkers of serious wines but are the stuff of addiction among Beaujolais-philes.

It's a matter of palate and style, much like the country itself.

This year, the arrival of the wine on stockist shelves is accompanied by a three day visit from French Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Renaud Muselier, who will call on Prime Minister Helen Clark and Foreign Minister Phil Goff tomorrow as part of a three-day visit to New Zealand.

The announcement of the visit does not include any indication about ceremonial wines to be used in toasts, but it does indicate that several versions of "lite" history are in use by officials describing the often stormy historical relationship between New Zealand and France, a development that is particularly appropriate given the Nouveau context.

"New Zealand and France have a warm relationship and have cooperated successfully in recent years in overseas development assistance to the Pacific. Mr Muselier’s visit provides an excellent opportunity to strengthen our relationship further," Mr Goff said.

The signing of a joint ministerial statement announcing a new project aimed at strengthening public health in the region is also slated for the visit.

Mr Muselier will also attend a celebration of the arrival of the new Beaujolais vintage, the government notes.

At one time the Nouveau vintage was held in France until the official release, but in recent years it has been shipped ahead of time to major distribution points to facilitate the parties (and sales) that accompany its release.

Reviewers say that the hot summer this year meant the earliest harvest date in history, August 14, and bigger, riper wines than normal.

The Toronto Star has reviewed three widely circulated Nouveaus, however, and found them overpriced. It says the Duboeuf Beaujolais-Villages Nouveau is tasty, " with very spicy raspberry and candied cherry fruit"; the Mommessin Beaujolais Nouveau and the Duboeuf Gamay Nouveau are both very overpriced, with the former showing "red currants and sour cherry traits" and the latter "weak licorice, cherry and spice notes."

The Nouveaus are expected to be, on average, 20 per cent more expensive this year than last because of the reduced harvest and one house, Georges "King of Beaujolais" Duboeuf, will sell about 20 per cent of the tens of millions of bottles that will go on sale tomorrow in much of the world.

According to Reuters, Duboeuf is set to produce seven million bottles of Beaujolais Nouveau -- 75 per cent of which will be exported to some 120 countries.

Not bad for someone who started selling the wine, which most serious wine buffs dismiss as trivial, from a bycicle only 40 years ago.

"Le Beaujolais Nouveau Est Arrivé!" -- indeed.

source NZ National Business Review / NZ Stuff, Today

PS : Please Doctor Razoo, have a "Nouveau" drink when you need to feel younger... :lol:


Message PubliĂ© : 20 Nov 2003 07:34 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
Message(s) : 1814
Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
Ce qui serait bien, c'est qu'ils precisent aussi les quotas annuels de working holiday accordes... Parce que c'est sur que dans les prochains mois, ils vont etre debordes de demandes...


Message PubliĂ© : 20 Nov 2003 18:02 
New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 17 Nov 2003 22:03
Message(s) : 22
Localisation : Paris

merci mon dieu, ma bonne etoile, vous tous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

c'est trop bien qu'au moment ou certaines personnes cherchent a tout prix a partir la bas, (en l'occurence moi! hi!hi!)ils nous pondent, enfin!, un vrai truc entre la france et l'australie......
meme ke moi, j'y etais au courant depuis le 16 novembre ah! ah! j'ai un amis australien qui a ses entrees a l'ambassade...;)

bon, c'est pas tout mais ca va etre la bataille quand les premier formulaires vont etre lances , nan??? lancez m'en un les gars!!! s,il vous plait!

aller, a bientot (suis nouvelle ici, mais je risque pas de vous lacher!)


Message PubliĂ© : 20 Nov 2003 23:05 
Inscription : 14 Oct 2003 17:17
Message(s) : 38
Merci pour la bonne nouvelle :mrgreen:
Les portes de l'aventure s'ouvrent enfin aux petits français.
Quand pensez-vous que ça va ĂȘtre effectif, c'est-Ă -dire que les gens pourront effectivement faire les demandes de visa? Parce qu'entre la date de signature de l'accord et la date de lancement des formulaires, il peut se passer pas mal de temps non? :?:
Enfin, :mrgreen: pour une bonne nouvelle, c'est une bonne nouvelle... :mrgreen:
Autre petite question: est-il possible de postuler depuis l'Australie pour ce type de visa?
Bon courage Ă  tous....

  Rallye d'OcĂ©anie, suite...
Message PubliĂ© : 21 Nov 2003 08:43 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Jan 2003 11:15
Message(s) : 1093
Tout s'est bien passé jusqu'à présent. Les concurrents du "Paris-NZ-Australia" ont parfaitement négocié la premiÚre étape. Hormis quelques verres de Beaujolais en trop, une ou deux brûlures d'estomac probablement dues au décalage horaire, et quelques excÚs gastronomiques, tous ont regagné leurs écuries respectives, fiers du travail accompli. Le Team français en a profité pour présenter ses bateaux tous neufs au Team néo-zélandais afin de permettre à nos amis Kiwis de naviguer avec bonheur sur les mers de l'hémisphÚre Sud. Continuons donc à suivre la compétion de trÚs prÚs...

Citer :
New Zealand / France / Australia

Visiting French minister wants Navy to buy France vessels

Wellington, November 20 (Herald)

Visiting French State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Renaud Muselier wants New Zealand to buy France vessels for its naval coastguard.
The first visit by a top-ranking French minister in more than 10 years marks a turning-point in the relationship between the two countries.

"I happen to know that some French companies have offered ships to New Zealand," Mr Muselier said.
All that remains for me is to wish that New Zealand will make a competent choice as it did with Airbus."
Air New Zealand has added Airbus planes to its fleet.

Mr Muselier said: "New Zealand and France are friends - they are allies.
"We feel that France, New Zealand and Australia constitute the basis for stability in the Pacific region.
"The three Navies are already co-operating on surveillance work."

New Zealand and France opposed the US-led war on Iraq.
But Prime Minister Helen Clark has sent engineering troops to Basra.
"We wish to help our American friends in Iraq," said Mr Muselier.
"But our involvement must go through the United Nations.
"We wish to see Iraq keep its territorial integrity and remain a sovereign state."

Mr Muselier met Helen Clark and Foreign Affairs Minister Phil Goff yesterday.
A joint ministerial statement announcing a new project aimed at improving public health in the region was issued yesterday.
Said Mr Goff: "New Zealand and France have a warm relationship and have co-operated in recent years in development assistance to the Pacific."
Mr Goff has been invited to visit France next year. But a proposed visit by French President Jacques Chirac looks to be in doubt.

During his two-day visit, Mr Muselier attended a "moving" wreath-laying ceremony at Auckland's War Memorial Museum to commemorate the two countries's shared history as "brothers-in-arms".
"This reminded us of how much New Zealand fought alongside France during the world wars," he said.
But he acknowledged it was the "shared vision" on Iraq which drew the two countries closer together in the past year.

Like New Zealand, France did not make the Rugby World Cup finals.
Mr Muselier last night celebrated the arrival of the new Beaujolais vintage, a widely celebrated event on the French wine calendar.
He is one of three French Secretaries of State for Foreign Affairs (equivalent to an associate minister).
His responsibilities include the Asia-Pacific region and the French overseas community.

He has been accompanied by MP Philippe Vitel, head of the France-NZ Friendship Group in France's National Assembly.

By Fran O'Sullivan, assistant editor

source NZ Herald News - Headlines - Fotopress

Helen Clark and French minister Renaud Muselier at the Beehive

Citer :
Australia / France

Deux ministres français en Australie ce week end

Canberra, Novembre 21 (Flash d'Océanie)

Alors que Renaud Muselier, secrĂ©taire français d’État aux affaires Ă©trangĂšres, devrait arriver en Australie vendredi pour une visite officielle de trois jours (aprĂšs une premiĂšre Ă©tape en Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande), le ministre français des sports, Jean-François Lamour, s’y trouvait dĂ©jĂ  jeudi pour assister Ă  la petite finale de la coupe du monde de rugby opposant la France aux All Blacks de Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande.

M. Lamour, qui vient de faire une brÚve escale en Nouvelle-Calédonie, marquera aussi, lors de sa visite de deux jours en Australie, le passage de témoin (vendredi) entre ce pays et la France, qui accueillera partiellement la prochaine coupe du monde de rugby en 2007.
Samedi, M. Lamour assistera aussi Ă  a finale Australie-Angleterre.
Il rencontrera son homologue australien, le sénateur Rod Kemp, et inaugurera par ailleurs les nouveaux locaux du lycée Condorcet à Sydney.
Sur le plan de la coopĂ©ration sportive entre Paris et Canberra, le mois dernier, Ă  l’occasion de la visite en France de Michael Scott, directeur de l’AIS, l’Institut National du Sport et de l’Éducation Physique (INSEP) et l’ Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) ont signĂ© une convention de coopĂ©ration visant Ă  â€œĂ©changer leurs savoir-faire dans les domaines des sciences et mĂ©decines du sport et mettre en place un programme d’échanges d’athlĂštes”.

Quant Ă  la visite de M. Muselier, elle sera marquĂ©e en Australie par des entretiens avec le Premier ministre John Howard, le ministre des affaires Ă©trangĂšres Alexander Downer, mais aussi Amanda Vanstone, ministre de l’immigration.
Avec M. Downer, deux accords devraient ĂȘtre signĂ©s: un traitĂ© de coopĂ©ration dans les zones maritimes adjacentes aux territoires des Ăźles Heard et Mac Donald et aux Terres australes et antarctiques françaises (TAAF), ainsi qu’un autre texte, un accord “vacances-travail” permettant aux jeunes de chacun des deux pays de sĂ©journer une annĂ©e dans l'autre pays, tout en y travaillant.

source Communauté du Pacifique / PAD Flash d'Océanie

Citer :
France / Australia

Canberra, November 21 (suite des Flash)

Pierre Frogier de la visite

M. Muselier est accompagnéde M. Philippe Vitel et de Pierre Frogier, tous deux députés, le dernier étant par ailleurs Président du gouvernement territorial de Nouvelle-Calédonie.
M. Frogier prĂ©side par ailleurs le groupe d’amitiĂ©s France-Australie de l’AssemblĂ©e Nationale.

Cette dĂ©lĂ©gation diplomatique française rencontrera aussi les membres de la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie franco-australienne vendredi.
À Adelaide, il visiteront les installations portuaires de la capitale de l'Australie-MĂ©ridionale, qui sont gĂ©rĂ©es par la sociĂ©tĂ© française Egis et la Barossa Valley, oĂč la sociĂ©tĂ© Orlando-Wyndham (filiale du groupe français Pernod Ricard) est installĂ©e.

La dĂ©lĂ©gation de M. Muselier rejoindra par moments celle conduite par M. Lamour, notamment sur les Ă©tapes liĂ©es Ă  la Coupe du Monde, mais aussi concernant l’inauguration des nouveaux locaux du LycĂ©e Condorcet.
Lors de sa rĂ©cente visite en OcĂ©anie en juillet dernier, le PrĂ©sident français Jacques Chirac, Ă  l’occasion d’un sommet “France-OcĂ©anie” Ă  Papeete (PolynĂ©sie française), avait appelĂ© de ses vƓux un renforcement de la coopĂ©ration française avec les deux plus grands pays de cette rĂ©gion: l’Australie et la Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande.
Cette visite présidentielle avait couvert la Nouvelle-Calédonie et la Polynésie française.
Une autre visite de M. Chirac serait prĂ©vue l‘an prochain et qui passerait par le troisiĂšme territoire français du Pacifique, Wallis et Futuna, mais aussi probablement l’Australie et la Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande.
Depuis le dĂ©but de l’annĂ©e, les relations entre Paris et Canberra avaient Ă©tĂ© tendues par les positions respectives des deux pays concernant la guerre en Irak.

source Communauté du Pacifique / PAD Flash d'Océanie

Citer :
France / New Zealand / Australia

NZ, France sign health pact

Auckland, November 21 (SCN)

New Zealand and France have agreed to work together to improve public health in the South Pacific.

Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Phil Goff and visiting French Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Renaud Muselier formally agreed yesterday that each country would contribute $560,000 a year to project Prepare (Pacific regional endeavour for an appropriate response to epidemics).

The project aims to improve the regional identification and treatment of epidemics such as tuberculosis, malaria, dengue fever and Sars.

Mr Muselier, the first French foreign minister to visit New Zealand for more than 10 years, said the agreement was further evidence of the significance France attached to its relationship with New Zealand.

"For France, New Zealand plays a very important role. It is an influential country at regional level. It is a country of influence in multilateral agencies and organisations, and the values that New Zealand represents have gained the esteem of other countries."

Mr Muselier signed two agreements. The other expanded the working holiday scheme between the two countries to allow 1000 young people from each country to spend up to a year working in the other country. The agreement is one of only two for France. The other is with Japan.

Mr Muselier, who also met Prime Minister Helen Clark and unveiled a commemorative plaque at the Randell Writers Cottage – a joint venture with the French Government which provides a six-month base for French and New Zealand writers – is to leave for Australia today.

By Nick Venter
source Stuff NZ, Newspapers, Venter, Maarten Holl / Dominion Post

Pick a score: Foreign Minister Phil Goff gives an All Blacks jersey to French Secretary of State Renaud Muselier. New Zealand and France are to work together to improve public health in the Pacific.

Well done monsieur Muselier ! Fingers crossed mate ! C'est du cousu main. Continuons vraiment Ă  croiser les doigts...


DerniÚre édition par marcelie2002 le 23 Fév 2004 22:36, édité 2 fois.

  AyĂ©Ă©Ă©Ă©.... c'est signĂ© !
Message PubliĂ© : 24 Nov 2003 10:26 
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Inscription : 06 Oct 2002 18:35
Message(s) : 604
Localisation : NSW Mid-North Coast, Australia.
Voilà ca y est ! les 2 traités ont été signés ce matin...
La France et l'Australie semble parties pour de biens meilleures relations diplomatiques et ça ne peux que jouer en notre faveur ! :D

Reste plus qu'Ă  savoir Ă  partir de quand le Working Holidays sera disponible... :roll:

Citer :
'Detente' for Australia, France

Canberra, November 24, 2003

FRANCE and Australia today overcame differences over the Iraq war to sign agreements for working-holiday exchanges and co-operation in the fight against toothfish poachers.

Under the working holiday agreement, Australian travellers will be able to live and work in France, with French travellers gaining the same rights in Australia.
Under the agreement on maritime cooperation, Australia will gain access to French SPOT surveillance satellite imagery to track fishing vessels in the Southern Ocean.

The agreements were signed in Canberra by Mr Downer and his French counterpart Renard Muselier, marking the first official visit to Australia by any French minister for two decades. Mr Downer conceded Australia and France had not agreed on the conflict in Iraq, with France strongly opposing the US-led invasion.

"Australia and France, whatever differences we may have had over the
question of Iraq, are two countries that stand for the same values," he

"We believe in the same broad principles of freedom and democracy and we have wide ranging co-operation, be it economic where there are a large number of French companies investing in Australia making jobs for
Australians, through to the very good co-operation that there is between us on areas such as counter-terrorism."

Mr Downer said Australia appreciated the co-operation of French authorities in the case of French terror suspect Willie Brigitte.

Brigitte, a French national with alleged links to terror group al-Qaeda,
arrived in Australia on a tourist visa in May and lived for five months in

French intelligence discovered his location and informed Australian
authorities. He was detained and deported to France on October 9.

Mr Downer said France and Australia also agreed on the need to halt the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone said the working-holiday agreement with France was Australia's 17th.
"We are going to welcome up to 500 French nationals to Australia. We will be delighted to take from them whatever experience we can in the wine industry and pick up some more secrets," she said.

Mr Muselier said Australia and France shared economic interests with 250
French firms operating in Australia and employing more than 70,000

"We have many important secrets we are happy to share with you," he said.
"This bilateral co-operation also extends to human relations exchanges and culture. We share the same values.

"I believe we are very much of the same minds as you as far as the
destruction of weapons of mass destruction, the struggle against terrorism and reinforcement of democracy."

Source : http://dailytelegraph.news.com.au/story ... yid=536180

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