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  Govt cuts skilled migration quota to protect Aussie jobs
Message Publié : 13 Mai 2009 15:47 
FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 26 Mai 2007 22:20
Message(s) : 236
Localisation : Sydney, Maroubra
Juste pour information car cela peut intéresser pas mal de monde après l'adoption du federal budget qui préoccupe tout le monde ici.

Lu ce jour :

CANBERRA, May 12 AAP - The federal government has cut the nation's skilled migration intake by a further 6,900 people to help protect local jobs during the economic crisis.

But it will increase the number of people allowed to migrate to Australia for family reunions.
In March this year, the government shed 18,500 skilled migration places in response to growing unemployment, which is now forecast to hit 8.25 per cent in 2009/10.
The latest cut, the second to be made this year, brings the program down to 108,100 places in 2009/10.
Overall, the government has slashed previous planning levels by close to 20 per cent.
Immigration Minister Chris Evans said the cuts would not be made to professions on the critical skills shortage list such as IT.
"The migration intake in the coming year reflects the economic climate while ensuring employers can gain access to skilled professionals in industries still experiencing skills shortages," Senator Evans said in a statement.
The government will also provide more opportunities for family reunions by increasing the family component of the migration program by 3,800 places to a total of 60,300 in 2009/10.
"This boost ... will benefit Australians who seek to have their parents, partners or children join them to live here permanently," Senator Evans said.
Overall, the migration program will total 168,700 for 2009/10.

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