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  [RUGBY] Rugby World Cup 2003 : revue de presse...
Message PubliĂ© : 30 Sep 2003 07:13 
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Inscription : 06 Oct 2002 18:35
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Localisation : NSW Mid-North Coast, Australia.
Bon voilà... j'ouvre ce post pour regrouper les dépêches et les articles qui concernent de près les Français et la Coupe du Monde de Rugby... n'hésitez pas à mettre à la suite les articles qui vous interpelle le plus...

En espèrant que ce post se terminera par une bouteille de champagne à la lecture de la victoire du XV de France... :wink:

En attendant voici tous les détails de l'arrivée de l'équipe de France downunder ( :mrgreen: )...

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Mondial de rugby: les Bleus en route pour Brisbane

PARIS (AFP) - 29/09/2003 18h00 - L'équipe de France de rugby s'est envolée lundi soir pour Brisbane en Australie, où elle disputera son premier match de Coupe du monde le 11 octobre face aux Fidji.

Les Bleus ont pris un vol Ă  Roissy Ă  19h25 pour Singapour, via Londres.

Ils doivent arriver Ă  Singapour mardi Ă  17h50 heure locale pour une escale de quatre heures et demie.

Leur arrivée à Brisbane est prévue mercredi 1er octobre à 7h40 heure locale (mardi 23h40 heure française).

Dès leur arrivée, les Tricolores doivent faire un léger décrassage pour encaisser le décalage horaire (8 heures) avant d'entamer l'entraînement jeudi.

Avant de partir, les Français ont reçu des consignes pour le décalage pour leur dernier week-end en famille. Ils devaient mettre le réveil à 6h15 et se coucher à 21h00.

Lundi à Paris, les trois blessés, Sylvain Marconnet (cuisse droite), Xavier Garbajosa (cuisse droite) et Olivier Brouzet (épaule droite), ont passé une IRM (imagerie à résonance magnétique) de contrôle.

Les autres se sont livrés à une ultime séance d'entraînement sur le sol français.

Source : http://www.tv5.org/TV5Site/info/afp_art ... et3jpc.xml

Avis aux FDU'ers de Brisbane... pensez Ă  aller les accueillir...

  French can do the business...
Message PubliĂ© : 02 Oct 2003 00:00 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Jan 2003 11:15
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French can do the business
By Pirate Irwin

France coach Bernard Laporte says he'll let his players take time off during the World Cup to visit Australian beaches.

But he must be hoping that the sands of time have not run out on some of his most vital players.

A lot is riding on the shoulders of captain Fabien Galthie, superb in last year's grand slam side but very ordinary in the last campaign, powerhouse lock Fabien Pelous and Olivier Magne, who rarely lived up to his reputation as the world's leading openside flanker during this year's Six Nations.

All three are vital both for their leadership and playing skills, halfback Galthie for his piercing darts from the base of the scrum, Pelous in the line-outs and Magne for his work in open play.

Galthie is France's talisman and there would be few who would begrudge him picking up the Webb Ellis trophy in November, although the impression is that he may have stayed on for one tournament too many.

However, France have few other options judging by second-choice Dimitri Yachivili's error-ridden display in the Twickenham thrashing by England.

"I believe that my Six Nations was a one-off as I was suffering from an injury. If I play like I did towards the end of the season for Stade Francais then our opponents had better watch out," says the 34-year-old Galthie of his French championship-winning form.

Galthie, Pelous and Magne can point to France's 1999 World Cup run to the final, past a shell-shocked New Zealand in the semi-finals, after a dreadful European winter.

"I would say the All Blacks semi-final would remain my most memorable match," purred Galthie.

"It was as if everything we touched like King Midas turned to gold and everything they did turned from gold into nickel. We can only hope that similar poor form in the Six Nations this time round will have a similar effect on the team."

Laporte would prefer more consistency. France were, after all, beaten convincingly by Australia in the final.

While he agreed France have been involved in two of the greatest matches of all time - the 1999 semi-final win over the All Blacks and the momentous semi-final win over Australia in 1987 - they have yet to finish off at the business-end.

"I am not a romantic," he says. "I am a coach of a national rugby team whose sole aim is to win the World Cup. Winning the hearts of the fans is one thing but I will only be judged by the end result."

Laporte could be forgiven for worrying that the discipline he had instilled into his side has slipped this season.

They still look too good for the rest of their first round group but they will need to be better behaved when they play either Australia, Ireland or Argentina in the last eight.

Another momentous semi-final looms with favourites England but Galthie was optimistic this French side can defy the odds and finally close the deal.

AFP - Fairfax Press - Sydney Herald Morning

http://rugbyheaven.smh.com.au/articles/ ... 65991.html

  Sex and Rugby
Message PubliĂ© : 03 Oct 2003 11:35 
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FranceDownUnder Addict
FranceDownUnder Addict
Inscription : 02 Sep 2003 15:19
Message(s) : 118
Localisation : Randwick NSW
Je vous recommande a tous la lecture de cet article du Sydney Morning Herald, parcequ'apparemment, il n'y a pas que le Rugby qui compte dans une coupe du monde de Rugby:

You've been a bad hooker!

Friday, October 3, 2003

Australian brothels are stocking up on whips and karaoke machines in anticipation of a boom in business generated by this month's Rugby World Cup, a sex industry spokesman said yesterday.

With more than 100,000 overseas vistors expected for the tournament, Eros Association co-ordinator Robbie Swan said business was set to increase by at least 30 per cent.

Swan said rugby union's English public school heritage meant demand for bondage and domination services was likely to skyrocket.

"It's not something that's very big in Australia, so a lot of the brothels are looking at lining up dominatrix for the tournament," he told AFP.

"If you look at where the game came from, the English public schools, they're very much into correction and all that.

"You'll get your beer-drinking yobbos but at the higher end of the scale rugby union has a clientele that you just don't get with rugby league - the judges, lawyers and big decision makers who are into all this," he said.

Swan said the Sydney Olympics in 2000 resulted in prostitution increasing by up to 50 per cent and major events were always good for business.
"In Canberra, where we're based, the biggest event we ever had was the World Council of Churches in 1994," he said. "Business was up 250 per cent, there were all kinds of jokers coming in."

He said brothels were legal in Australia and about 16,000 sex workers plied their trade in up to 1000 brothels.
"A lot of overseas visitors will be coming from countries where brothels are illegal so we think they'll find it refreshing here," he said. "They won't be looking over their shoulder the whole time."

Swan said the variety of nationalities in Australia for the world cup presented a unique challenge to the sex industry.
"It's funny how you can see what peccadillos people have from their nationality," he said.

Meanwhile, an Australian sex therapist has warned women their sex lives are likely to suffer during the Rugby World Cup.

Sydney-based counsellor Jo-Anne Baker advised women to accept their fate as rugby widows, warning they could permanently damage their relationship if they attempted to compete with their loved one's sporting obsession.

"It's not about saying it's an either-or. It's about saying we can have both," she told AAP.

She said a woman's best chance of getting through to her partner was if his team won.

"Guys can celebrate the win of their favourite team by having great sex," she said.

"When people are happy they feel pretty high and they want to celebrate and having great sex is a pretty good way to celebrate."

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