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Le fuseau horaire est UTC+8 heures [Heure d’été]

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  Visa working Holiday Australia
Message Publié : 30 Mars 2007 08:59 
New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 25 Mars 2007 10:56
Message(s) : 2
Est- il vrai que je dois changer d'employeur après 6 mois ?
Si je veux rester plus longtemps que dois-je faire ?

Message Publié : 30 Mars 2007 14:23 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 25 Avr 2005 04:00
Message(s) : 400
Localisation : Berlin, London, Paris, Manly, St Malo, Back to Manly, North Sydney, Chiswick
Malheureusement tu n'es pas autorise a continuer de travailler pour le meme employeur au dela de 6 mois. A moins que cet employeur n'ait une deuxieme societe qui pourrait t'employer...

Message Publié : 30 Mars 2007 14:26 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 25 Avr 2005 04:00
Message(s) : 400
Localisation : Berlin, London, Paris, Manly, St Malo, Back to Manly, North Sydney, Chiswick
Je m'auto corrige :mrgreen:

Extending the work limitation
In exceptional circumstances, it may be possible to extend the period of work with one employer to longer than six months. An extension may be allowed for a very short period of time and only if there is sufficient justification to grant it.

Exceptional circumstances must relate to an Australian permanent resident, citizen or business and must be extraordinary and unforeseeable.

Exceptional circumstances might include remaining in your current job:

for a very short time (days or weeks) as you are critical to the completion of a specialised project that has unexpectedly gone over time
for a period of weeks while a decision is being made on an application for a work-related visa, such as a Temporary Business Long Stay (subclass 457) visa.
Exceptional circumstances do not include remaining in your current job because you:

have the required skills or because of labour shortages
are not able to apply for another kind of visa
have lodged a non-work related visa, such as a Spouse visa.
Submit your request to extend your work limitation in writing the department, at least two weeks before the expiry of the six month employment limitation.
See: Hobart Global Processing Centre enquiry form

Note: You will be requested to provide a letter of support from your employer.

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