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Message PubliĂ© : 26 Mars 2007 14:35 
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FranceDownUnder Addict
FranceDownUnder Addict
Inscription : 12 Sep 2005 19:50
Message(s) : 157
Localisation : Cora Lynn, (West Gippsland) Victoria
Yo. Go, marcelie! Bien dit. D'où vient toutes ces balivernes à propos des EEUU? Je ne dis pas que ce ne soient pas des vérités [bien au contraire!] - mais tout ça ne décrit que des épisodes monstrueux dans l'histoire de ce pays, réalisés en majeure partie par des agences gouvernmentales et militaires américaines. Les citoyens américains représentent toute une mélange d'individus - comme dans tous les pays (j'espère), dont un pourcentage ont horreur (comme nous) des atrocités commises trop souvent clandestinement.

marcelie, I love that expression of yours in French :
[finir par] sentir la morue pourrie au soleil.
Yours? Or commonly said in French?


Message PubliĂ© : 26 Mars 2007 14:46 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 13 Jan 2005 11:25
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Localisation : San Francisco J-2
:oops: Désolé Marc, tu as raison. Le sujet initial est fort intéressant et il n'était pas nécessaire de le pourrir. Tristessao! :wink:

Message PubliĂ© : 26 Mars 2007 23:23 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Jan 2003 11:15
Message(s) : 1093
Gerard Lewis-Fitzgerald a Ă©crit :
I love that expression of yours in French :
[finir par] sentir la morue pourrie au soleil. ...Yours? Or commonly said in French?

That expression is not commonly said in French, as far as I know. The fact is that I had it in mind when I have written my message. That's all... :wink:

Message PubliĂ© : 27 Mars 2007 09:33 
FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 13 Juil 2004 19:03
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Localisation : -bali-brisbane


KEVIN MURRAY is a freedom writer, curator and narrative psychologist.

How Australia might have been colonised by the Portuguese (and an update regarding the Turn the Soil exhibition)
Kevin Murray
© all rights reserved

This story begins with historical fact, which eventually leads to speculation. At this stage, it is a draft history of a land that Australia might have become if it had been colonised by the Portugese. While offering an amusing mental diversion, it also aims to provide an opening for some of the possibilities of settlement in the southern continent-possibilities that help put the English settlement in a broader context.

The following is a story of how Australia might have been colonised by the Portuguese. The presence of historical fact amongst this fiction is indicated by •thus•.

•Christovoa da Mendonca journeys south of Timor•, hoping to find the fabled land of India Meridional (southern Indies). •Chinese sailors had reported the existence of an 'Isle of Gold' south of Java, that stretched as far as Antarctica.• In 1522, Mendonca sights the coastline of what appears to be a large island, but after several weeks exploration he deduces the existence of a huge continent. For good luck, he abandons half a dozen degradados (exiled convicts) on the mainland to fend for themselves. Two die soon after, three establish a camp, and one wonders off never to be heard of again. Back in Lisbon, Mendonca's discovery is kept secret. The fabled wealth of the island must be protected from Spanish interests.

A second expedition recovers two remaining convicts, who return with reports of the strange beasts who inhabit the land. Scholars note a correspondence between their stories and the legend of Prester John. In the 11th-13th centuries, it was believed that a descendent of the Magi that adored baby Jesus had established a stronghold of Christendom in the East. Much early travel, including Marco Polo's expedition, has been designed to link forces with this eastern power and thus defeat the infidel.

The most detailed account of Prester John's kingdom comes from the travel writer Maundeville, who reports on life in the antipodes. According to Maundeville, the kingdom is bordered by a 'Gravelly Sea', which corresponds to the salt lakes of the interior. The 'wild men' reported to be in Prester John's vicinity resemble the strange uncivilised natives the convicts had met. Revived fervour for a Christian mission in the east joins hunger for gold to encourage further development of India Meridional. In 1531 a military outpost, Mistorak, is established on the north coast of the continent.

On his journey to China, Francis Xavier visits this new continent. In 1545, Xavier proclaims the land •'nullius diocesis' (without prior religious title)• and establishes the first of many Jesuit missions in Mistorak. Their first attempts to convert the natives end in dismal failure. There seems little shared understanding on which Christian faith might take hold. Eventually, Jesuits coax nominal conversion with the lure of presents, such as knives and alcohol. Poor diet and homesickness reduces their number greatly.

•By the early seventeenth century, Portuguese power in the region is devastated by raiding Dutch fleets. In 1615 the Dutch navy seize the strategic position of Malacca and the Portuguese escape to smaller islands in south-east Asia• and India Meridional. Francisco de Veiera from Macassar leads a group of colonists to the north-east coast. Refugees bring with them spices such as tamarind pods, which they use to flavour kangaroo dishes.

•In 1640 Portugal gains long-awaited independence from Spain.• With evidence of other nations exploring this part of the world, Portugal overtly declares possession of the continent they call 'Lusitania' (•after the Lusitani tribe who resisted Roman forces in the Iberian Peninsula•). This claim is subsequently recognised by England in its •1661 treaty with Portugal•.

•By the end of the seventeenth-century, the Portuguese find gold in Brazil.• When surface gold begins to runs out in South America, prospectors turn to Lusitania, with its legendary wealth. First attempts are disappointing, but reveal an expanse of territory that seems to offer boundless possibilities. Bands of prospectors set out, always with a padre in attendance to round up lost souls. Strange fancies encourage them further. The lost convict left by Mendonca acquires mythical status, with reports of his descendants in Luso-Aboriginal tribes roaming the desert.

In one incident, a band of prospectors finds themselves lost in the desert without food or water. As the last man lies dying, an Aboriginal boy approaches. This boy understands Portuguese and assists Jorges Vicente to his tribe, where he is nursed back to health. When he is better, the elders take him aside and show him •a crystal which takes the natural form of a cross•. Speaking a garbled Portuguese, they tell him about the mountain nearby where it had been found, and how the cross is a sacred symbol of the 'fishermen' (Christians). When taken to the site, Jorges finds lumps of silver lying on the ground. When Jorges returns with a contingent of excited fanatics and prospectors, they can find no sign of the tribe, but they immediately build a makeshift church in which to house the crystal.

•At the beginning of the eighteenth-century, the Portuguese empire suffers an additional blow with Omani victories in the east coast of Africa.• Additional weight is placed on the inviolable colony of Lusitania, the one as yet uncontested Portuguese claim on the Indian Ocean. Settlement in Mistorak flourishes as trepang and pearls provide a flourishing export commodity. Colonists develop a taste for turtle and crocodile. There are occasional incursions by Dutch and Indonesian vessels, but these are forcefully repelled. In general, a lawlessness prevails and slaves are imported from India as sexual concubines.

By the second half of the eighteenth-century, however, Lusitania undergoes a radical change. Its impetus occurs in •1759, when Jesuits are expelled from Portugal and Brazil.• There is sufficient distance from Lisbon for Lusitania to provide sanctuary for exiled Jesuits, who re-establish their missions with much greater determination. They immediately enforce a strict moral code in Mistorak. Aboriginal tribes welcome relief from the belligerent style of settlement and provide a new generation of converts to Jesus. Jesuit missions are established throughout the continent. In the north, the Jesuits run lucrative cattle stations using Aboriginal labour. In 1782, the first Aboriginal priest is ordained.

Meanwhile, prospectors have finally hit upon the rich goldfields of the south. Though Jesuits follow new centres of activity, the delirium of gold fever proves difficult to contain.

During this period, •the English Prime Minister Pitt decides to sent convicts to• West Africa and •Brazil becomes a kingdom in its own right.• The Jesuit office of Father General is granted executive powers in control of Lusitania, which is now proclaimed a divine kingdom as prophesied under Prester John. A religious inspired navy attacks Muslim ports in East Indies, attempting to win over the Chinese diaspora in revolt against their hosts. This only inspires Islamic fundamentalism in the area, and a Jihad is proclaimed on Lusitania. Supported by Lusitania, the Fretilin resistance to Arabic culture continues throughout the modern era.

The Portuguese empire now is scattered across the globe. •In 1886, 'Rose-coloured empire' is recognised by France and Germany.• A 'League of Roses' is established with its headquarters in Lisbon. This commonwealth embraces Brazil, Lusitania, middle Africa, Colombo, East Timor and Macau. The motto is 'The sun rises in the East'. Endemic conflicts between the 'League of Roses' and their Islamic neighbours distract from competition from the other colonial powers. The English convict settlement in West Africa founders on a disastrous drought, though it manages to hold onto its colonies in North America.

The advent of revolutionary movements in Western Europe puts the mother country at odds with its more conservative offspring. The 'League of Roses' disintegrates on the eve of the First World War. During the 1930s, the Jesuit rulers of Lusitania become indistinguishable from military leaders. Medals from battles on the Banda Sea adorn their black cassocks. Jesuits are drawn into the Second World War when the Japanese navy attacks Macau. Though often outmanoeuvred by an agile Japanese navy, the Lusitanians win many battles by brute force. The Japanese eventually invade the mainland, but their vehicles run out of petrol deep in the interior and are brutally cut down by Jesuit cowboys.

The Theo-Military dictatorship falters during the student riots of 1969. Among the students is a Jesuit novitiate who claims to be descendent of the lost convict abandoned by Mendonca. This Father Ricardo accuses the Jesuit establishment of self-interest. With great conviction, he promotes an international platform for the defence against imperialists around the world. The incumbent Father General is assassinated and guerilla supporters of Ricardo storm the main offices to instate their leader.

Once in power, Father Ricardo establishes a 'Crown of Thorns' composed mainly of isolated small nations. Eventually even Portugal joins and is accorded ceremonial status. As well as nations previously gathered as 'League of Roses', the 'Espinho' (Thorn) adds Greenland, Guinea, Taiwan, Okinawa, Hokkaido, Albania and Ireland. During the growth of the Indonesian empire, Espinho provides diplomatic muscle to protect rights of Catholics and Buddhists in south-east Asia.

Finally, in 2001, the aging Cardinal Ricardo is elected as the first Aboriginal Pope, heralding a renewal of the Roman Catholic church in its mission to defend the poor and helpless.

However, during the height of its religious patriotism, the Lusitanian economy collapses and is forced to beg assistance from the IMF.

How Australia might have been colonised by the Portuguese was constructed with the assistance of a workshop held at Broken Hill, NSW. Special thanks to Campbell Macknight and James Bradley. For more details, see the "Turn the Soil" web site: http://www.kitezh.com/soil .

  et les chinois alors..
Message PubliĂ© : 27 Mars 2007 10:50 
FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 13 Juil 2004 19:03
Message(s) : 272
Localisation : -bali-brisbane
Did the Chinese Discover Australia?

The following story comes with a warning. It may change your whole view of the history you were brought up with. Who were the modern discoverers of Australia?

At my school - we were told - the Dutch, Portuguese and English mariners. But there's evidence that Captain Cook was really three centuries too late. You see in the 1420s Australia's west and east coasts were visited and charted by the Chinese. In fact in a great surge of navigation and discovery the Chinese mapped much of the world in the 1420s.

They swept up the west coast of Africa, sailed down the east and west coasts of both North and South America - and they even visited the Arctic and Antarctic. All of this was long before Christopher Columbus, Magellan and Vasco da Gama were even thought of.

Ultimately terrible events (such as a lightning strike which led to a fire destroying the forbidden city in Beijing) were regarded as such bad omens that this extraordinary 'age' was brought to a close, and the records of its triumphs were officially destroyed.

Gavin Menzies, a retired British sub-mariner, has set out this radical reinterpretation of history in the book 1421: The Year China Discovered the World. He spends much of his time travelling the world, visiting museums and historic sites, to pursue his studies of the Chinese discoveries.

Publications: 1421: The Year China Discovered the World
Author: Gavin Menzies
Publisher: Bantam Books

  Et si les Chinois...
Message PubliĂ© : 28 Mars 2007 06:41 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Jan 2003 11:15
Message(s) : 1093
Article très intéressant.

Merci Takatoo :wink:

Message PubliĂ© : 27 Avr 2007 21:48 
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New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 27 Avr 2007 21:46
Message(s) : 1
Localisation : Groland
j'ai un scoop pour vous

et si c'etait les aborigenes qui avaient decouvert l'australie ?

Message PubliĂ© : 01 Mai 2007 21:40 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Jan 2003 11:15
Message(s) : 1093
Seijuro a Ă©crit :
j'ai un scoop pour vous

et si c'etait les aborigenes qui avaient decouvert l'australie ?

Les articles commentés dans ce post avaient pour unique sujet les premiers explorateurs européens en Australie depuis le 16ème siècle.

Le fait que les Aborigènes soient là depuis des milliers d'années n'a rien à voir avec le sujet.

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