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  Dernieres offres de stage
Message Publié : 26 Mars 2006 07:38 
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Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
Postez ici les offres de stage uniquement, toutes les demandes postees ici seront supprimees.


  Stage tourisme/marketing - toute l'annee
Message Publié : 26 Mars 2006 08:06 
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Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
Work Placement (for French students) - Stage en Australie

French Travel Connection regularly offers training and work placement to French students who wish to improve their English as well as their knowledge of the travel industry. Please note that due to the structure of our company, we are unable to offer internships in the following fields: IT (informatique), Engineering, Finance, Accounting & Human Resources.

Students must speak English fairly well but do not require any specific experience and will receive basic training in the many aspects of our industry and will be required to carry out a very broad range of duties and including:

General office duties, faxing, photocopying & filing

Internet - website design, internet use

General administration

Product development and costing using Excel

Marketing and advertising

Brochure production using Word & Microsoft Publisher

Press releases using Word & Microsoft Publisher

Data Base entry for mail-outs & general marketing activities

We use Galileo reservation system but the trainee will not be required to use this.

We welcome trainees all year round. The duration of the work placement can vary considerably according to the applicant’s requirements and our availability at the time. Minimum period is three months and can be up to twelve months. Generally we have one, occasionally two trainees at the same time.

We must emphasize that students doing their work placement with us do it on an unpaid basis and that it is their responsibility to ensure they have a comprehensive health, accident and third party liability insurance. It is also up to them to buy their return air ticket and pay for all their expenses whilst in Australia. At the present we do not have access to discounted airfares.

Please check the website for more details.

Dernière édition par Celine le 30 Avr 2006 09:21, édité 1 fois.

Message Publié : 30 Mars 2006 07:46 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
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Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
J'ai trouve ca par hasard:

Eastsider radio a écrit :
The German connection
Eastside has an internship program for overseas undergraduates. Limited places are available. Bianca, Katja and Katrin have recently volunteered at Eastside. Read about them

Il faut "scroll down" sur la page.


Message Publié : 29 Avr 2006 14:31 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
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Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
Paris Provence, agent de voyages et Tour Operateur specialisé dans les destinations France et Australie opère un département INBOUND sous le nom VOYAGE AUSTRALIE (www.voyageaustralie.com) et un departement OUTBOUND sous le nom PARIS PROVENCE (www.parisprovence.com.au).

Paris Provence et Voyage Australie proposent aux étudiants francophones en fin d'étude des stages en entreprise de 2 à 5 mois. Les stages se déroulent à notre bureau de Sydney en Australie, en plein centre ville.

Ces stages s'adressent aux étudiants possédant déja un certain niveau d'anglais et souhaitant développer leur connaissance du milieu du tourisme en Australie.

Les formations dans les filières Commerce et Tourisme ont notre préférence mais nous acceptons aussi les informaticiens specialisés dans le developpement de sites internet.

Les étudiants en stage à Sydney sont amenés à réaliser des tâches très variées :

- Accueil telephonique
- Gestion des bases de données clients
- Etablissement de devis
- Réservations et suivi de dossiers clients
- Recherche produits
- Marketing
- Développement de site Internet (pour les étudiants specialisés)
Toute compétence particulière sera la bienvenue.

Conditions de stage :

Le stage en Australie n'est pas rémunéré et il appartient aux étudiants de s'assurer de leur couverture sociale et de leur assurance responsabilite civile durant leur séjour en Australie. Genéralement, des dispositions sont prévues dans le contrat de stage préparé par l'Ecole ou l'Université.

Démarches administratives :

1) Nous envoyer une lettre de motivation en anglais accompagnée d'un CV.
2) Etude de votre candidature par Paris Provence (2/3 semaines)
3) Dans le cas d'une réponse positive, prendre contact avec l'Ambassade d'Australie à Paris et demander a remplir les formulaires :
- Form 147 Educational
- Sub -Class 442 : Occupational Trainee
Pendant ce temps, nous aurons de notre coté demandé votre nomination en tant que stagiaire auprès du departement de l'Immigration. Compter 4 a 6 semaines pour ces formalités.
4) Des l'acceptation de votre dossier par l'Immigration, nous vous ferons parvenir leur accord.
5) A reception, vous pourrez alors deposer le dossier complet auprès de l'Ambassade d'Australie à Paris pour obtenir votre visa de sejour : " Occupational trainee Visa "

Logement et vie à Sydney

Sydney est une grande ville très agréable située à la fois donnant à la fois sur la baie et la mer. La vie y est moins chere qu'a Paris. L'hébergement se fait soit en auberge de jeunesse (qui sont nombreuses à proposer des tarifs à la semaine), soit en co-location d'une maison ou d'un apartement avec d'autres étudiants, une formule très répandue en Australie. L'ambiance est amicale et décontractée.

Plus d'info et postuler ici.

Message Publié : 29 Avr 2006 14:32 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
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Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
Stages de formation FLE à ARMIDALE (Australie)

La section de français de l'UNIVERSITY OF NEW ENGLAND (Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, Australie) offre chaque semestre une ou deux places pour des étudiant(e)s en France ou dans un pays francophone qui se préparent à enseigner le français comme langue étrangère.

Les stagiaires travaillent dans tous les domaines de l'apprentissage du FLE, d'abord comme observateurs, puis en collaboration avec un(e) enseignant(e), enfin seuls devant une classe. Des cours de grammaire, de conversation et de révision peuvent aussi leur être attribués. En plus vous serez initié(e) à l'enseignement du français à distance (méthodes traditionnelles mais aussi en ligne), car 80% de nos effectifs étudient à temps partiel, partout en Australie et même à l'étranger. Un encadrement étroit est garanti, et en fin de stage un rapport sera fourni à votre établissement d'origine.

Durée et visa

Un séjour de 3 mois minimum est idéal, tant pour nos étudiants que pour les stagiaires. Après réception de votre lettre de demande (rédigée en anglais), avec CV et copie de votre dossier scolaire, nous nous occupons de l'obtention du visa nécessaire auprès des autorités australiennes compétentes. A l'heure actuelle, un stage de ce genre est dispensé de frais d'inscription ou de scolarité. Les semestres vont de fin février à mi-juin et de fin juillet à fin octobre.
Nous recommandons que toute personne désireuse de suivre un stage fasse des démarches pour obtenir une bourse dans leur pays d'origine. Une participation financière de la part de l'UNIVERSITY OF NEW ENGLAND n'est pas possible.


Une chambre peut vous être réservée, soit à Wright Village, groupe d'appartements gérés par l'UNE et qui se trouve sur le campus (de 4 à 8 chambres, avec salle de séjour, cuisine et salles de bain en commun), soit dans une des sept résidences universitaires à proximité qui offrent pour la plupart des chambres individuelles avec pension complète. Les stagiaires qui cherchent une chambre ou appartement en ville sont tenus de l'organiser eux-mêmes.

Vous avez des questions?

Consultez d'abord le site Internet <www.une.edu.au/arts/french>. Pour le logement: <www.une.edu.au/eao/prospective.html>. Pour la ville d'Armidale: <www.new-england.org/armidale/>.

Puis, posez vos questions à notre coordinatrice du stage FLE, Dr Hilary Hutchinson. E-mail: <hhutchin@une.edu.au>. Fax: 00 61 2 6773 3735. Tél: 00 61 2 6773 2415.

Au plaisir de vous lire!

Plus d'info et postuler ici.

  Stage en horticulture
Message Publié : 29 Avr 2006 14:36 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
Message(s) : 1814
Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
Localisation : Clunies Ross Street, Black Mountain, Canberra (Carte)
GPO Box 1777, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia

Les programmes des stages en horticulture concernent les personnes en invalidités, les étudiants, les groupes protégeant l’environnement et le public. Ceux-ci sont gérés par le Joseph Banks Center et son jardin. Pour des informations concernant ces programmes veuillez téléphoner à l’Horticultural Training Officer au 02-62509450.


  VIE - V.I.E.
Message Publié : 29 Avr 2006 15:07 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
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Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
Pour les VIE, il y a l'incontournable www.civiweb.com

Message Publié : 29 Avr 2006 15:28 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
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Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
Work experience

There are limited opportunities for work experience placements with the Botanic Gardens Trust. All placements are at the Royal Botanic Gardens of Sydney.

Work experience students would normally spend their placement in the Nursery or the grounds of Government House. The availability of work is dependent on the commitments of these sections.

All work experience students must be covered by appropriate insurance. This is the responsibility of their sponsoring institution.

Click here to go to application form.

Applications may be made to the Human Resources Client Service Officer on the work experience application form, Botanic Gardens Trust, Mrs Macquaries Rd, Sydney NSW 2000, or to recruitment@rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au.

Il y a aussi une section pour les benevoles:
Who can volunteer?
Just about anybody can be a volunteer for the Botanic Gardens Trust.

For over 20 years, volunteers have worked with visitors and staff to enrich the programs and services provided by the Botanic Gardens Trust. Today there are around 200 volunteers working at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Mount Annan and Mount Tomah Botanic Gardens, and approximately 185 volunteers working for our independent Friends' organisation.

Why volunteer?
Contribute to, and help promote, a cultural organisation you have always valued and admired
Share your knowledge & expertise with Botanic Gardens Trust visitors and staff
Develop new skills
Participate in educational activities
Meet new and interesting people
Continue your interest in plants
Help raise funds for the Botanic Gardens Trust

What do the volunteers do?
Volunteers give their time and assistance in a variety of areas, in a number of ways:

Community Education
Volunteer guides
Volunteer Guides interpret the living collections, and take visitors on guided walks at all three Gardens. The Guides aim to enhance people’s enjoyment and understanding of the three Gardens, generate goodwill, and increase community support.

Herbarium & science programs
Herbarium volunteers - specimen mounting
Volunteers mount Herbarium specimens onto archival paper and assist with the curating of Herbarium specimens. Other opportunities arise from time to time to work on scientific programs.

Nursery & horticultural volunteers
Specialist volunteers work on specific plant collections such as Bromeliads, Begonias or African Violets. Tasks include identification, maintenance, propagating and researching the cultural requirements of individual species.

Bush Regeneration ('Bushcare')
Volunteers provide assistance with bush regeneration tasks in the remnant bushland areas at Mount Annan Botanic Garden. Work mainly involves removing invasive weed species in order to promote native plant growth and regeneration, and maintain the biodiversity of these important (Cumberland Plain Woodland) areas.

Friends of The Gardens
Friends' volunteers
Volunteers enable the Friends to raise funds for special projects in the three Botanic Gardens, Herbarium and Domain. They cater for functions, assist Friends’ administrative staff in the office, staff exhibitions, and promote membership of the Friends throughout the three Gardens. The Growing Friends propagate plants for bi-weekly sales and twice yearly major sales.

If you would like an information package or an application form please contact
The Personnel Officer
Botanic Gardens Trust
Ph. (02) 9231 8033
The Volunteer Coordinator
Friends of The Gardens
Ph. (02) 9231 8182

Volunteer application form

The Botanic Gardens Trust has a comprehensive volunteer policy which outlines recruitment and training procedures, the range of opportunities volunteers can be involved in, and codes of conduct relating to safety, equity and insurance. All volunteers are issued with a volunteer reference manual.

The Trust has a strong commitment to the use of volunteers and sees their value in building links with the community as well as enabling the extension of our programs. Volunteers started helping us in the late 1970s and are now engaged in many areas of all three Gardens. Staff coordinate their activities and assist in training.

Message Publié : 30 Avr 2006 09:11 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
Message(s) : 1814
Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
Work experience - Biomechanics
Work Experience Policy - Sports Science/Sports Medicine Department of Biomechanics

Currently there are NO positions available for Work Experience students until after November 2004. Any student wishing to apply for a work experience placement please advise what dates you would be available for past this date.

Opportunities exist for both Australian and Overseas students and graduates to participate in a variety of work placement programs in the Biomechanics Department at the Australian Institute of Sport.

Work Experience or Student Placements are available for both postgraduate and undergraduate Australian and Overseas students. All work experience placements are of a voluntary nature. You will be expected to fund and arrange your own travel and accommodation requirements.

Overseas students

The Biomechanics Department may consider a work experience placement for an overseas student upon receipt of an expression of interest. This position will be dependent upon academic credentials and letters of recommendation of the applicant and availability of a suitable work program or research project. A good command of written and spoken English is essential.

Details of the placement are as follows:


The term of placement is for a minimum of three months.
Deadline for Applications

We need to receive your request at least 3-months prior to your proposed placement. This will enable time for a suitable project to be identified, a supervising staff member to be appointed and the visa application process to be completed.
Scope of Work

Students will undertake a formal program and will become familiar in:
Setting up testing equipment
Data collection procedures
Procedures for analysis as outlined by the biomechanist
Preparation of results for athletes and coaches under the direction of the biomechanist in charge of the project.
You may be given the opportunity to work intensively with a small group of sports, however, allocation to any particular sport cannot be guaranteed.

Final Approval

Conditional on the approval from the Commonwealth Department of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs, Biomechanics will apply for your entry to Australia for occupational training. If and when this is granted, you will be contacted and advised to apply for your visa. This permission precludes the AIS from paying you a wage. All expenses such as travel and accommodation are the responsibility of the student.

Students who are interested in applying for a Work Experience placement with Biomechanics are advised to send their letter of application, CV and academic results to the address below:

Program Administrator
Australian Institute of Sport
PO Box 176

Telephone: +61 2 6214 1560
Facsimile: +61 2 6214 1593

Alternatively, you may e-mail your application to: biomechadmin@ausport.gov.au


Message Publié : 30 Avr 2006 09:19 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
Message(s) : 1814
Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
Intern Placement Policy
The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) provides opportunities for students to work alongside ALRC staff as interns. Interns work on a voluntary basis. Most interns will work for one day a week for a semester (approximately 16 weeks) or full-time for a number of weeks during university vacations. Internships can be organised for differing periods of time depending upon the needs of the student and the ALRC.

Interns are supervised by a staff member, and undertake research work determined by the abilities of the student and the needs of the ALRC. Internships provide an opportunity for students to increase their awareness of law reform issues while also allowing the ALRC to benefit through the application of the student’s research and writing skills.


Cut-off dates for applications for internships will be approximately:

First semester – late January

Second Semester – late June

Summer – mid October

These dates are to be advertised on the ALRC website.

Applications for regular semester and summer internships will be considered as part of a selection process conducted soon after the cut-off date. The selection committee and interview panel (where required) will consist of at least two ALRC Commissioners or staff members. The following criteria will be considered:

course of study;

years of study completed;

subjects completed and grade achieved;

other academic qualifications; and

related work experience and interests.

The number of places available during each intake will be determined after consultation with Commissioners and reference staff, and consideration of the availability of resources (such as adequate supervision, desks, computers).

While the ALRC may accept institutional placements by agreement, it will generally only accept students who have been chosen as part of the ALRC’s selection process. The ALRC may agree to support a selected student who also wishes to undertake an institutional placement by providing appropriate supervision and completing relevant paperwork on behalf of the student.

The ALRC does not accept interns where the purpose of the internship would be to gain practical work experience required for professional admission as a solicitor or barrister, such as is required by students attending the College of Law (see School Student and Legal Practice Work Experience Policy).


Applications from overseas students will generally be seeking an internship that extends beyond the normal one day a week or four weeks full-time placement. Applications will be considered on an individual basis. The following considerations will apply:

the interests and experience of the student in comparison to the work of the ALRC during the intended placement;

the language skills of the student;

the ability of the student to contribute meaningfully to the ALRC’s work;

availability of resources at the time of the intended placement.

The ALRC should make every effort to provide a quick response to overseas applicants.


The ALRC, in agreeing to accept interns for placement, sets itself forth as a professional role-model for students and agrees to facilitate the learning process by acting as a supervisor and mentor to the intern.

A Placement Coordinator will be the first point of contact for all interns and will ensure that Commissioners and supervisors are aware of the date of commencement of the intern. The Placement Coordinator will also arrange for a desk, telephone and computer access for each intern.

The Executive Director has responsibility for the internship program, and will work with the Placement Coordinator to select interns, provide support for interns throughout the placement, and generally ensure that the internship placement program operates effectively for the ALRC and interns.

Interns are to be given information regarding occupational health & safety issues, first aid and evacuation procedures, preferably at induction.

The ALRC may, in its absolute discretion, choose to end the placement at any time.


Supervisors have the role of supervising the intern’s placement on a daily basis. They are the first point of contact if there are any concerns about day-to-day work.

Consideration should be given to the tasks that will be given to the intern prior to their commencement. Supervisors should endeavour to provide as wide a variety of work experiences for the student as is possible. The workload of the reference teams will make this more difficult at certain times – working with various team members may be another way to provide diversity. The allotted tasks should be monitored closely throughout the placement and consideration given to the skills and knowledge of the intern.

It is the supervisor’s responsibility to ensure that the intern:

is provided with an overview of the reference subject matter;

is introduced to all members of the team;

has adequate and appropriate work tasks, either directly from the supervisor or from another team member;

is assisted to identify appropriate sources to enable them to complete allocated tasks;

clearly understands the expectations of the placement and each work task;

is included in team discussions, activities and consultations wherever possible and appropriate;

is given continuing feedback in order to maximise performance;

is given comprehensive feedback at conclusion of the program.

Supervisors are to ensure that interns are given regular feedback.

Where the intern is undertaking an institutional placement, and the institution requires an evaluation/assessment of the intern’s performance, it is the supervisor’s responsibility to properly document and evaluate the intern’s progress.

If supervisors have concerns about the work, behaviour or attendance of the intern, these concerns should be raised directly with the intern. If the concerns continue, the supervisor should discuss the issues with the Placement Coordinator or the Commissioner with responsibility for interns.

At the conclusion of all placements it is the responsibility of the supervisor to liaise with the relevant Commissioner to provide a written reference for the intern – generally this is signed by the relevant Commissioner. Supervisors (or other staff who have worked closely with the intern) may act as an oral referee upon the request of an intern if the supervisor feels comfortable with this arrangement.


Interns are required to adhere to the policies and procedures of the Australian Law Reform Commission and to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. They must ensure that they attend the ALRC during regular business hours and that all work assigned is completed in a timely and efficient manner.

Specifically, interns will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement to ensure they are aware of the possible sensitive information they may be privy to during the internship, and their obligations to not disclose or use the information outside of the ALRC. Interns will also be asked to agree to the terms of the ALRC Internet and Email Policy, and to abide by any arrangements in place for access to the ALRC offices.

All interns must notify the ALRC if they will be late or cannot attend the placement. If the intern is having difficulty with any assigned duties, it is his/her responsibility to inform the relevant supervisor and attempt to resolve the problem.

Where the intern has a need to alter the regular attendance pattern (eg change of day), this should be discussed with the supervisor and Placement Coordinator. Changes will be approved where there are sufficient resources (eg supervision and desk space) on the proposed alternative day.


To enhance the intern’s understanding of their position at the ALRC, interns will be provided with a general overview of the operations of the ALRC during their first few days of the placement. Interns will also be provided with a library orientation and an introductory seminar on research sources commonly used at the ALRC.

Wherever possible, time will be made during the internship for interns to meet with Commissioners for an informal discussion on the internship experience, and provide interns with an opportunity to ask questions regarding the ALRC or legal careers in general.

Interns are encouraged to participate in team meetings and to attend Sydney-based consultations or meetings with stakeholders wherever this is appropriate. Team members should provide interns with information regarding these activities, even where the activities fall on a day that differs from the regular attendance day of the intern.

The Placement Coordinator will meet with the intern to discuss the progress of the placement about a third of the way through the placement. This meeting provides an opportunity for interns to discuss any concerns – although any major concerns should be raised with the supervisor or Placement Coordinator immediately (see ‘Resolving Problems’ below). A further meeting will be held at the conclusion of the placement to discuss the intern’s experience.


Occasionally an intern may have a problem or concern about their work, their level of supervision, or their interaction with someone in the office. Interns are encouraged to approach their supervisor to discuss any issues of concern and resolve them as quickly as possible.

Where the intern does not feel comfortable approaching the supervisor in relation to a particular issue, they can instead approach the Placement Coordinator, or the full-time Commissioner with responsibility for interns. Discussions with the Placement Coordinator or relevant Commissioner can be held on a confidential basis at the intern’s request.

After discussions with the Placement Coordinator or relevant Commissioner, if the intern is not satisfied with the ALRC’s attempts to resolve a concern he or she may take the matter up with the President.

This page was posted 5 October 2005 and updated 6 October 2005.


Message Publié : 05 Juin 2006 11:52 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
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Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
Stage en HR disponible sur Brisbane en Aout 2006 - post de Eric


Nous recherchons actuellement un stagiaire pour notre bureau de Brisbane.
Nous sommes un cabinet de recrutement specialise dans le recrutement multilingue (www.polyglot.com.au) et sommes a la recherche d'un stagiaire motive a partir du 1er Aout 2006:
- Le stage peut avoir une duree de 3 a 6 mois
- Il est non remunere.
- Le stagiaire doit avoir une formation en Ressources Humaines (indispensable) et avoir deja eu des experiences en recrutement.
- Une tres bonne connaissance de l'anglais est indispensable.
- les principales taches seront entre autre:
assister le consultant de Brisbane
suivre un processus de recrutement de A a Z
preparer les candidate report
preparer les short list
participer a des entretiens

Si vous etes interesse par ce stage, envoyez-nous votre cv et lettre de motivation a qld@polyglot.com.au

  Offre de stage: vente online et developpement de l'activité
Message Publié : 15 Juil 2006 09:46 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
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Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
cherche stagiare pour une duree de 3 mois minimum (annonce de Jewel Australia)

DOMAINE D ACTIVITE: vente online de bijoux et autres accesoires

MISSION: developper et assurer le suivi des ventes de bijoux et accessoires online sur le marche australien pour une companie en creation

COMPETENCE REQUISE: - a l aise en Anglais
- independance au travail
- de formation commerciale ou ingenieure
- gout pour les bijoux
- competences en vente online, et des outils Office

SALAIRE: entre 7 et 11 dollars de l heure.

Location: activite basée a Sydney, possibilité de travailler de chez soi. Laptop fortement apprécié.

Contact: bertrand.juhen@edhec.com
04 15 55 37 58

Message Publié : 14 Août 2006 11:46 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
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Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
Annonce de Rendez Vous

Rendez Vous a écrit :
Offre de Stage a Cairns. Nous cherchons des stagiaires sur du long terme, tourisme ou informatique. Envoyez CV a info@australie-voyages.com

  Stage de fin d'etudes dans la securite informatique
Message Publié : 21 Fév 2007 12:17 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 19 Juil 2003 19:48
Message(s) : 445
Localisation : Singapour
Bonjour a tous,

Je propose un stage de fin d'etudes dans la securite informatique.
Duree: 6 mois ou plus.
Indemnite: Oui, selon un bareme standard.
Lieu: Nord de Sydney.
Prevoir des deplacements.
Bonne ambiance, mais laborieuse.

Envoyez moi votre CV + lettre de candidature par email.
Merci d'avance.

Message Publié : 15 Mars 2007 07:30 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
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Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
Business Development Internship

We are a progressive and fast-growing technology company specialising in software solutions for business. We require a Business Development Intern to assist with lead generation and general business development duties. This is an internship offering scope for personal development and future advancement. Ideally, you are a good communicator and fast-thinker with the confidence to engage people in the business community. This is a great role for somebody currently studying sales, marketing and/or business.

Duties include:
• Telephone work
• Segmenting the market and targeting prospects
• Gathering opt-ins (email addresses with permission) for whitepaper subscriptions
• Performing competitive research and analysis
• Qualifying sales enquiries on specific criteria
• Writing and editing marketing literature
• Assisting the Sales and Marketing personnel with the sales and marketing process
• Assisting with development of the sales process
• Managing search engine optimisation and paid advertising programs (will train)

This role is ideal for a keen, energetic and enthusiastic individual; flexibility will be offered to accommodate any study commitments.

Students must be in Australia on a student or permanent visa and be interested in a long-term commitment (no overseas applications at this stage). Must have good verbal English.

We are based in Surry Hills, close to Central station.

Please email jobs@designavenue.com.

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