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  French actor (male) required for low-budget short film
Message Publié : 06 Sep 2006 12:37 
New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 06 Sep 2006 10:45
Message(s) : 1
‘Slapping Christie’ is an edgy 11 minute comedy about a young couple who use a bondage-obsessed French backpacker to exact revenge on each another after a bitter break up. We’re looking for a French or European actor for the following role:

JEAN-LUC (23): Very laid-back and confident, he’s out for a good time with Christie and is oblivious to Stephen’s manipulations.

(Note: although Jean-Luc is currently French in the script, the main requirement is that English is his second language, i.e. the accent is authentic. So other European nationality will be considered.)

The shoot will be over four days in mid-October at an inner Melbourne location.

Our writer's scripts have been shortlisted for Film Victoria's Short Film Fund and the New Feature Writer's Scheme, and our director has several years experience in TVCs, film clips and a variety of short projects.

If you are interested in the role, please email your CV and headshot to slappingchristie@gmail.com. At this stage, all auditions will be held on Saturday September 16th.

While this is an unpaid position, we are a professionally minded production and intend to distribute this film on international festival circuit, starting with Oberhausen International Short Film Festival (Jan 2007), then Hamburg ISFF (Feb 2007), Edinburgh (April), Toronto (June), Sundance (Sept), and Berlin this time next year.

Any further questions, please call producer Chris Lassig on 0401 304 514.

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