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  You're not Australian 'til...
Message Publié : 10 Juin 2003 11:21 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 15 Avr 2003 15:03
Message(s) : 659
Localisation : Melbourne
1- You've mimicked Alf Stewart from the TV show Home and Away's road,
Australian accent, eg. "push off, ya flamin'drongo!"
2- You've had an argument with your mate over whether Ford or Holden
makes the better car!
3- You've done the "hot sand" dance at the beach while running from the ocean back to your towel.
4- You know who Ray Martin is
5- You start using words like 'reckon' and 'grouse' and call people 'champ'
6- You stop greeting people with 'hello' and go straight to the "how ya doin'?"
7- You've seriously considered running down the shop in a pair of Ugg Boots
8- you own a pair of ugg boots
9- You've been to a day-nighter cricket match and screamed out incomprehensibly until your throat went raw.
10- You kind of know the first verse to the national anthem, but what does 'girt' mean??
11- You have a story that somehow revolves around excess consumption of alcohol and a mate named 'Dave'.
12- You've risked attending an outdoor music festival on the hottest day of the year.
13- You've tried to hang off a clothesline while pretending you can fly
14- You've had a visit to the emergency room after hanging off the clothesline pretending you can fly.
15- You own a pair of thongs for everyday use, and another pair of 'dress thongs' for special occasions.
16- You dont know whats in a meat pie, and you dont care
17- You pronounce Australia as "Straya"
18- You call soccer "soccer, not "football"
19- You've squeezed Vegemite through jatz to make little Vegemite worms.
20- You suck your coffee through a Tim Tam.
21- You realise that lifeguards are the only people who can get away with wearing Speedos.
22- You pledge allegiance to Vegemite over Promite.
23- You understand the value of public holidays.
24- You're weekends are spent barracking for your favourite sports team.
25- You have a toilet dolly
26- You've played beach cricket with a tennis ball and a bat fashioned out of a fence post.
27- You firmly believe that in the end, everything will be ok, and have told a mate in tough times that "She'll be right, mate"
28- You use the phrase, "no worries" at least once a day.
29- You've been on a beach holiday and have probably stayed in a caravan.
30) You constantly shorten words to "brekkie", "arvo" and "barbie"
31) You've adopted a local bar as your own.
32) You know the oath of mateship can never be limited by geographical

Message Publié : 10 Juin 2003 12:32 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
Message(s) : 1814
Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
C'est excellent... J'ai encore du boulot avant d'etre fully aussie!!! :mrgreen:
C'est quoi au juste un toilet dolly?

  You're not an Australian till...c**'t.
Message Publié : 10 Juin 2003 14:25 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Juin 2003 16:56
Message(s) : 1245
Localisation : >Une aussie que vit a Ballarat, 100 km N-O de Melbourne
Tom, c'est formidable!
Et, je suis certain que il y a des autres!
Comme...."You're not a real Australian till you've been asked "how are you going" dozens of times a day and you learn to reply "Not bad"

And as for the Toilet Dolly....I've only ever seen one in my life, strangely.
My mother in law did make it herself. A little crocheted doll with a rather wide woollen dress, into which is pushed the spare roll of toilet paper, and then the doll hangs on the back of the toilet door.
Je vais pense de les autres choses pour cette 'topic'!
Merci Tom

Mille souhaits

Message Publié : 10 Juin 2003 14:40 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
Message(s) : 1814
Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
Merci Kate!!! :D
Je n'ai encore jamais vu de toilet doll mais au moins, maintenant, je sais ce que c'est!!!

A bientot


  You're not an Aussie till...
Message Publié : 23 Juin 2003 10:37 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Juin 2003 16:56
Message(s) : 1245
Localisation : >Une aussie que vit a Ballarat, 100 km N-O de Melbourne
And then of course, you can't go anywhere out in the countryside or fishing for the day without an esky (traditional Oz cooling container) full of beer & BBQ & picnic supplies....or you've tried to evade a Police Breathaliser patrol by hiding or trying to make a turnoff before you reach the 'point of no return' and you're cornered on the highway.

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