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  Crocodile mangeur d'homme
Message PubliĂ© : 17 AoĂ»t 2005 17:04 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 27 Sep 2004 07:15
Message(s) : 474
Localisation : Northern beaches since 2003
Attention crocodile mangeur d'homme (la femme elle a survecu... :shock: )

Far north Queensland police and rangers say they have located the crocodile believed to have pulled a Townsville man from his fishing boat late yesterday.

National Parks and Wildlife officers at the Lakefield National Park will soon attempt to catch and destroy the reptile they believe attacked 60-year-old Barry Jeffries.

The man was fishing with his wife at the Midway waterhole on the Normanby River, 150 kilometres north-west of Cooktown, when the attack happened.

The crocodile grabbed Mr Jeffries' arm and pulled him into the water.

His wife is now being comforted by police and rangers.

The search continues for Mr Jeffries' body.

Local crocodile hunter Mick Pitman says the area is a known crocodile habitat and is well signed with warnings.

"When you're fishing out of a canoe they're pretty game, I'd never go up nowhere near an estuarine river where there's crocs because the first thing he'll do is come up and give you a walloping," he said.

Mr Pitman says the attack is unusual at this time of year as crocodiles are usually aggressive only during their breeding season in the summer months.

He says there have been attacks before in the area.

"The whole lot of Lakefield National Park ... they had an attack there about four years ago where a guy was actually supposedly pulled out of his swag by the arms and there's been quite a few close calls," he said.

Message PubliĂ© : 18 AoĂ»t 2005 23:01 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 24 Oct 2004 19:09
Message(s) : 665
Localisation : Forestville
Ils ont attrapé la vilaine bestiole, l'ont découpée en rondelles, mais n'ont pas trouvé de restes humains dedans.... :mrgreen:

Agnès (très en forme depuis son PR) :lol:

Message PubliĂ© : 19 AoĂ»t 2005 11:28 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 27 Sep 2004 07:15
Message(s) : 474
Localisation : Northern beaches since 2003
bravo pour la PR!!! :mrgreen:

Message PubliĂ© : 19 AoĂ»t 2005 11:44 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 19 Juil 2003 19:48
Message(s) : 445
Localisation : Singapour
agneslgt a Ă©crit :
Ils ont attrapé la vilaine bestiole, l'ont découpée en rondelles, mais n'ont pas trouvé de restes humains dedans.... :mrgreen:

Agnès (très en forme depuis son PR) :lol:

C'est normal, car le crocodile est alle planquer le cadavre sous l'eau.
Il attend que le corps se decompose pour le manger : C'est + tendre :mrgreen:.

Alors Agnes, on te voit quand en Oz ?

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