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  Emigration: Ca bouge dans le bon sens...
Message Publié : 07 Mars 2005 07:22 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 13 Juil 2004 04:59
Message(s) : 450
Localisation : Toronto -> Sydney!
John Howard est peut etre finalement un good guy...dommage qu'il reste le Dingo de Bush.

Bonne lecture a ceux qui revent du grand saut!!

Citer :
PM backs push for big rise in skilled migrant intake
By Stephanie Peatling
March 4, 2005

The Prime Minister, John Howard, has backed plans to greatly increase the number of skilled migrants to help fill employment gaps.

The Minister for Immigration, Amanda Vanstone, is finalising a cabinet submission on how many people to accept in each category next year and now has the support of Mr Howard and the Treasurer, Peter Costello, to raise the number of skilled migrants by as many as 20,000 a year.

"We have an economic need at the moment for more skilled people," Mr Howard said.

"[And if] part of the solution to that problem is to bring in more skilled migrants then I am in favour of it."

But he said bringing in more skilled workers would not immediately fix the labour shortage.

"Most countries in Europe have a growing shortage of people in the same way that we do," Mr Howard said yesterday.

"If you've got a skilled tradesman in India or Lancashire or Ireland who's immediately available to come to Australia, well, fantastic. He or she can fit the bill. But that doesn't in any way absolve us of the responsibility of training more of our own people to do that."

Mr Costello said on Wednesday the skilled migration program needed to grow. The numbers accepted each year over the past decade have tripled, to 71,000 this financial year. A further increase of 20,000 would be the largest increase for the category in nearly half a century.

Senator Vanstone is also in favour of creating a category for guest workers, provided there were guarantees they received award wages, proper accommodation and repatriation to their home countries. The National Farmers Federation is keen on this idea to help supply unskilled workers for rural and regional work such as fruit picking.

But Mr Costello has dismissed the idea, saying he does not think guest workers are "part of the Australian ethos".

The Premier, Bob Carr, offered his support for more skilled migrants but warned that NSW would need federal funding for housing and other infrastructure to accommodate them.

"The mob in Canberra raise immigration [but] they don't think about the impact, the cost on the nation's biggest city," Mr Carr said.

"I'll co-operate with what the Federal Government does, providing it readjusts the grants commission formulae to see that NSW gets more and not less in reimbursements."

Business groups have argued that a rise in skilled migration would help to keep the economy growing. The Business Council of Australia wants the Government to ensure that 50 per cent of all migrants are skilled, to offset the ageing of the workforce.

But the Opposition Leader, Kim Beazley, said the move was a confession of failure. "This Government is having to import because it has failed. What I don't believe is that we should be using migration to substitute for a sensible ... investment in skills."

Voici le lien a tout hasard: http://www.smh.com.au/news/Business...9700611144.html

Message Publié : 07 Mars 2005 07:27 
FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 25 Juin 2004 17:35
Message(s) : 482
Localisation : Woolloomooloo
Je lis le journal (AFR) tous les matins et lse articles sur les skilled migrants pleuvent en ce moment : l"australie est a un niveau historiquement bas de chomqge et de nombreuses indutries manquent de main d'oeuvre.

Reste plus qu'a etre coiffeur, chauffeur routier, ou IFRS accountant...

Message Publié : 07 Mars 2005 07:36 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 13 Juil 2004 04:59
Message(s) : 450
Localisation : Toronto -> Sydney!
Alors il faut nous en faire profiter!!
T'as du bol, tu es deja de l'autre cote peinard mais pense au p'tits camarades :wink:
Sans indiscretion, tu fais quoi comme job pour lire l'Australian Financial Review tous les jours. Marches Financiers???

Message Publié : 07 Mars 2005 15:54 
FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 25 Juin 2004 17:35
Message(s) : 482
Localisation : Woolloomooloo
je la lis par plaisir :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Dernière édition par Ltd le 07 Mars 2005 18:19, édité 1 fois.

Message Publié : 07 Mars 2005 18:17 
FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 25 Juin 2004 17:35
Message(s) : 482
Localisation : Woolloomooloo
je la lis par plaisir :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

je les mets pas car ils disent tous la meme chose (j'en ai posté un significatif il y a qq temps qd mm) et il y en a presque un par jour! Le probleme c'est qu'il n y a aucun élément nouveau a chaque fois...

En gros l'info c'est qu ils vont augmenter les quotas pour les skill type coiffeur, chauffeur, IFRS accountant (jme souviens de ces 3 la mais y'en a plein) d'environ 20.000 personnes par an

Arnault : ah non pas de marché fi! mais j'ai failli y passer, j'ai réussi à m'en sortir in extremis, et je suis bien content!

Message Publié : 08 Mars 2005 07:49 
FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 25 Juin 2004 17:35
Message(s) : 482
Localisation : Woolloomooloo
Articles en page 1, 3 et 21 aujourd'hui dans l'AFR

Message Publié : 08 Mars 2005 08:29 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 13 Juil 2004 04:59
Message(s) : 450
Localisation : Toronto -> Sydney!
Merci Buddy! :D
C'est bien les marches financiers...
Ma p'tite femme est analyste financier, c'est tres interessant et il y a beaucoup d'avantages...

Message Publié : 08 Mars 2005 08:38 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 13 Juil 2004 04:59
Message(s) : 450
Localisation : Toronto -> Sydney!
Je viens d'aller sur afr.com, tous les articles ne sont pas dispo sur le net :( :cry:

Message Publié : 08 Mars 2005 08:39 
FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 25 Juin 2004 17:35
Message(s) : 482
Localisation : Woolloomooloo
"Skills crisis worsens under Howard

The Australian Financial Review --- Page: 1/4 : 8 March 2005
Original article by Laura Tingle and Marcus Priest

A new report, "Skills for Work", is seen as an embarrassment for the Australian Government. The report reveals that the broadening of traditional apprenticeships initiated in 1996 had led to a decline in traditional trades. It found that the number of people starting a trade apprenticeship fell by 2,300 between 2000 and 2003. During this period, sales and service apprenticeships rose by 25,000. The Opposition said the "damning figures" are evidence of the Government's failure on training and skills. Prime Minister John Howard says the Government has increased overall vocational education and training spending"

Voila un résumé, j'ai la subscription si tu veux l'article entier

Pour les marché fi, je ne doute pas une seconde que c'est intéressant et quant aux avantages, je les connais bien. Une bonne partie de mes amis sont partis pour travailler dans ce secteur. Mais moi, faire du 8h-22h très peu pour moi, meme bien payé!

Message Publié : 08 Mars 2005 11:50 
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Inscription : 06 Oct 2002 18:35
Message(s) : 604
Localisation : NSW Mid-North Coast, Australia.
Ltd a écrit :
j'ai la subscription si tu veux l'article entier

Juste un petit mot en passant, merci de ne pas publier sur le forum des articles de presse à accès restreint et/ou payant. Cela est contraire au lois copyright...
Malheureusement, la legislation sur le sujet est tres clair: tout article de presse ne peut etre reproduit et/cité dans un autre site que partiellement et toujours en indiquant un lien précis vers la page source.
Pour les articles payant, vous ne pouvez malheureusment qu'indiquer un lien vers l'article, cela peut toujours servir au gens qui ont souscrit au meme abonnement... :roll:

Message Publié : 08 Mars 2005 11:57 
FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 25 Juin 2004 17:35
Message(s) : 482
Localisation : Woolloomooloo
désolé Sand

Comme j'ai bien lu la charte (hé oui il y en a quand meme qui la lise) c'est bien pour ca que je ne l'ai pas mis mais j'ai remplacé par cet article gratuit. Je comptais pas le mettre en public, mais rien ne m'empeche de lui envoyer en private dans ce cas je n'engage pas FDU mais moi seul.

  Changes for Australian employers seeking overseas workers
Message Publié : 10 Avr 2005 02:28 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 24 Oct 2004 19:09
Message(s) : 665
Localisation : Forestville
J'ai trouvé ça sur le net...

Changes for Australian employers seeking overseas workers

01 April 2005

Australia's Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs ("DIMIA") have announced legislative changes effective April 2005. The changes relate to the sponsoring of overseas workers by Australian employers. This legal update outlines the changes for both the Temporary (Long Stay) Visa subclass 457 and the Employer Nomination Scheme Visa subclasses 121 (offshore) or 856 (onshore). It provides crucial information for all employers seeking to sponsor temporary or permanent overseas workers.

The implications of the new laws are that Australian employers will now need to plan ahead when attempting to fill vacancies with overseas skilled staff. Employers may find it preferable to sponsor workers for a preliminary period of two years on a temporary subclass 457 visa prior to sponsorship for permanent residency depending on age, skill levels and experience. Where the minimum salary requirements are met, the removal of labour market testing requirements for sponsors and onshore processing for permanent visa applicants under the Employer Nomination Scheme will significantly reduce the delay in obtaining suitably qualified staff from overseas.

The main changes to the Temporary Business (Long Stay) Visa subclass 457 are that the minimum annual base salary level for IT professionals will increase to $50,775, while the minimum annual base salary level for other occupations will increase to $39,100. The salary increase does not apply to current sponsored overseas workers who already hold a valid subclass 457 visa approved at a lower salary level. However, the higher base salary levels will apply when that person seeks to renew their visa or change sponsor.

The main change to the Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) permanent residency visas is that the DIMIA are refining the current 'highly skilled' definition by introducing a list of acceptable skilled occupations, 'the ENS Skilled Occupation List' with designated skills assessment bodies where formal skills assessment is required.

Under these changes, visa applicants would be required to have done one of three things. The first possibility is that they have worked in the nominated occupation in Australia (while on a temporary residence visa) for at least two years, and have worked in the nominated position for the nominating employer for at least one year immediately prior to applying. The second possibility is that they have three years post-training experience in the nominated occupation, and have their skills formally assessed by the relevant skills assessing body in Australia. The third possibility is that they have been nominated for a senior management position which attracts a base salary of more than $151,500.

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