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  seisme de 7.5 ressentie a darwin...
Message PubliĂ© : 03 Mars 2005 14:33 
FranceDownUnder Addict
FranceDownUnder Addict
Inscription : 11 Mai 2004 22:30
Message(s) : 127
Localisation : brisbane-bali
JAKARTA - Un puissant séisme sous-marin de magnitude de 6,5 à 7,5 sur l'échelle de Richter a ébranlé l'est de l'archipel indonésien et le nord de l'Australie. Les premières informations n'ont pas fait état de victimes, selon des sismologues.
Selon l'Agence nationale de géophysique indonésienne, la secousse de 6,5 sur l'échelle de Richter s'est produite à 17h42 (11h42 suisses). L'épicentre était situé dans la mer de Banda, à 320 km au sud-ouest de la ville de Tual, sur l'île de Kai Kecil de l'archipel des Moluques, les anciennes «îles aux épices».
Au moins sept villes indonésiennes importantes ont été touchées. Mais «il est très improbable que ce séisme puisse provoquer un tsunami car il s'est produit trop profondément sous la mer. Nous n'avons pas reçu d'informations sur d'éventuels tsunamis depuis au moins deux heures», ont encore indiqué les experts indonésiens.
En Australie, d'après la télévision ABC, le séisme a été ressenti dans une vaste portion du nord du pays. La secousse a notamment ébranlé la ville de Darwin, a précisé Chris Thompson, porte-parole des géophysiciens australiens. «Selon un premier rapport dont nous disposons, le séisme a été de 7,5», a-t-il dit.
La secousse tellurique a duré de 5 à 10 secondes, selon des témoignages radiodiffusés en Indonésie. Les habitants de plusieurs villes se sont rués à l'extérieur de leurs habitations pris de panique, mais le tremblement de terre n'a provoqué ni blessés ni dégâts.
Les tremblements de terre et les éruptions volcaniques sont fréquents en Indonésie, un immense archipel d'environ 18 000 îles situé sur la «ceinture de feu» du Pacifique.

  Merci pour l'info
Message PubliĂ© : 03 Mars 2005 16:11 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 23 Juil 2003 15:34
Message(s) : 274
Localisation : North Melbourne...pas loin du paradis...
Merci erikl pour nous tenir au courant des derniéres news Down Under.

Je voudrais simplement rajouter à ton post, l'article de ABC Online sur ce tremblement de terre à Darwin (bien resenti au Casino, ça me rapelle tant de bons souvenirs).

Citer :
Last Update: Thursday, March 3, 2005. 7:31am (AEDT)

Earthquake too deep to cause damage

Earthquake experts say an tremor that rattled Darwin yesterday evening was too deep to cause damage.

The Northern Territory has been rattled by a large earthquake in the Banda Sea about 500 kilometres off the coast of East Timor.

The earthquake, measuring 7 on the Richter Scale, had a focal point in the Banda Sea, about 500 kilometres off the coast of East Timor, at around 8:20pm ACST.

There have been no reports of damage in Darwin, Katherine or Tennant Creek.

The director of the Australian Seismological Centre in Canberra, Kevin McCue, says the epicentre was 100 kilometres beneath the earth's surface.

"We have about one of these every month somewhere in the world, so while it's a major earthquake, because it's happened where it's happened there's probably no damage anywhere from this earthquake," he said.

He says there was no chance of a tsunami and aftershocks are unlikely.

"Not usually for an earthquake of this depth," he said.

"If the earthquake had been shallow then you'd certainly be having lots of aftershocks, but they're very rare for earthquakes at a hundred kilometres depth."

Darwin rattled

Hundreds of people fled the Darwin Casino for a brief period of time while others feared the worst given the recent devastating tsunami in Asia.

A diner at the casino said the building shook for several minutes.

"Suddenly the floor was shaking and we didn't know what was going on at first and then we realised that there was an earthquake going on," the diner said.

Beth Crase says she ran out of the Darwin Cinema.

"My thought was that if the epicentre was somewhere in Asia or somewhere not here that perhaps it was much stronger than we experienced here and I just thought, I hope this isn't another big one," she said.

A nightclub staff member, Alicia, said punters shook in their seats and it was scary.

"Everybody was pretty crazed at the time actually," she said.

There were no reports of damage in the city.

Widespread reports

Hundreds of callers rang the ABC from as far afield as Katherine, Milingimbi in Arnhemland, Jabiru in Kakadu National Park and Daly River, south-west of Darwin.

On the Tiwi Islands the earth shook for about two minutes.

Robin Deans from Nguiu on Bathurst Island says diners at her bistro sat through the eerie, but silent, experience.

"We had no noise at all, it was absolutely quiet and it was like a slow shimmy, it was like everything was shimmying in front of your eyes," she said.

The earthquake was felt in the capital of East Timor.

A caller to ABC Radio, Gino, says he there was a slight shake at a Dili hotel he was in.

"We're quite well aware of the Aceh thing being on the other end of the archipelago, we thought, 'oh well, let's go out and watch the water and see if it started to recede a bit'. We would have jumped in our cars and headed for the mountains here," he said.


The Indonesian meteorology agency said the tremor was felt in the coastal towns of Jayapura, Sorong, Merauke and Manokwari on eastern-most Papua province, as well as in Ambon city in Maluku province.

Residents in the coastal town of Waingapu in East Nusa Tenggara province also experienced earth movements.

A policeman in Jayapura, Suryadi Diaz, told AFP that the quake was "hardly felt" and no casualties or damage had been reported following the tremor.

A soldier on duty in Ambon also said that he had not received reports of death or destruction from town residents.

The shaking lasted between five and 10 seconds, according to witnesses interviewed on radio. Residents of several towns rushed outside their homes in a panic, they said.

Two consecutive earthquakes measuring 3.7 and 5.0 on the Richter scale shook the resort island of Bali earlier Wednesday.

More than 230,000 people are believed to have died in Indonesia's westernmost Aceh province when a magnitude-9.0 earthquake unleashed a tsunami that devastated the coastline in December.


Source :ABC Online

Est-ce qu'il y a des FDUser's dans la région pour nous racconter leur expérience de ce tremblement de terre???

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