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Message Publié : 14 Août 2003 20:59 
New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 30 Juil 2003 10:24
Message(s) : 13
Localisation : Paris, France
du rêve... Le didgeridoo vous emmène plus haut que le kyte surfing ... :-)

Bonjour à tous, en France ou en Australie.

Ici François Dubreuil, candidat à sa réelection comme président de Vent du Rêve en 2003-2004.

Tout d'abord, merci à Francedownunder de nous permettre de promouvoir
certains de nos événements à propos des manifestations musicales de
Didgeridoo , instrument de musique traditionnel aborigène, et informations

Grace à Marc Elie vous avez été informé du festival magique que nous avons organisé à Airvault, Poitou Charentes, douce France...
C'était un bien beau festival... 3 jours de concerts avec les plus grands artistes de didgeridoo, guimbarde et chant diphonique. Si vous en voulez un résumé plein d'émotions allez lire mon prochain post, un bel article sur le festival...

Moi qui vous écrit, je suis le président de l'association - encore petite mais pleine de vie - Vent du rêve.
Notre but est de
promouvoir la pratique du Didgeridoo, de la guimbarde et du chant diphonique, ainsi que de tous les instruments à harmoniques buccales naturelles imaginables. Nous voulons aussi faire connaître les cultures des peuples qui nous ont légué ces instruments et notamment celles des peuples aborigènes d'Australie.

Vous pouvez me contacter à tout moment sur mon Email
francois-dubreuil@club-internt.fr et sur mon MP.

Avec l'aimable autorisation de Sandrine (FDU) et des adminsitrateurs et amis du site ... je vous présenterai dans les jours et semaines et mois à venir ... divers événements relatifs au didgeridoo et aux cultures Aborigènes. Nous essayons de faire connaître tout ce dont nous avons connaissance ... à commencer par les événements que nous organisons.

Cet été nous avons pour projet d'organiser un voyage associatif en Australie ... Et si d'aucuns sont intéressés pour nous rencontrer, piloter, héberger, venir à un concert que nous organiserions nous les frenchies ... Enfin bon c'est loin d'être fait ... Mais le rêve est doux.

Si vous souhaitez plus d'infos sur notre association vous pouvez aussi consulter notre site : www.ventdureve.net
Le site du festival est piloté par Jay de www.didgevibes.com , je vous informerai lorsqu'il y aura une mise à jour (photos et sons de cette année), il faudra aller sur www.lereveaborigene.net

Dans la série les projets... Nous prenons les contacts pour monter une fédération de langue française des association et joueurs de didgeridoo, guimbarde et chant diphonique. Donc si y en a que ça intéresse ... On a des contacts à Lille, Lyon, Rennes, Arras, Aix en Provence, Montréal ... Et personne en Australie :-)

A très bientôt.

François Dubreuil

  Bienvenue parmi nous
Message Publié : 15 Août 2003 15:44 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Juin 2003 16:56
Message(s) : 1245
Localisation : >Une aussie que vit a Ballarat, 100 km N-O de Melbourne

'Vent du Reve' semble tres interressant....je peut lire ces informations pour la plupart...but unfortunately not understand everything totally as my French isn't fluent...yet. Mais, tant pis.

That's great you have so much interest in Australia, the Digeridoo and especially Indigenous culture (some Aussies could learn from that!)
I'm happy to say I know quite a lot about Aboriginal culture, thanks to having had to proofread my husband's entire Thesis on the subject!(Travelwriting, voyages and the Aborigines in the time periods 1830's and 1940's). I'm also interested in Aboriginal music, mais pour la plupart, j'ecoute a le genre plus moderne, les artistes comme Yothu Yindi et Archie Roach. Still, I think it's a good mix of the ancient and the modern.

We even own an antique digeridoo, which must be very rare now, as it comes from Maralinga in South Australia (not sure if you know about the Atomic Testing that was done there a long time ago....any way, no more Aboriginal community living in that region...relocated).
Mon mari peut jouer le digeridoo un peu....mais pas si bon. Il prefer le guitare electrique.

If you have any queries about Aborigines - modern or not so modern, you can ask us if you like. I have other 'outback connections' too, as my aunt has been a coach hostess for an Australian company taking trips through the outback almost every month for the past 30 years, so she knows a lot about them, their lives during that period and much history of the whole outback regions of Western Australia, South Australia and Northern Territory.

Kate :)

Message Publié : 15 Août 2003 16:04 
New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 30 Juil 2003 10:24
Message(s) : 13
Localisation : Paris, France
Hi Kate, I've heard about you by Marc Elie (I don't think I'm revealing a secret by saying he says you're a very nice person).

Glad to get a post from you.. Hey I had a lot of fun with your posts on how to live in Oz... Is this real ? I dunno if I could ever live there. I'm the impassionate kind (though not at work funny when I think about it, people like my english flegm) ... Enough about all this;..

SO. I am very interested indeed by your post because... Just yesterday got an email from a friend... Let me copy paste sth (sent to australian artists of the festival) :

we have this guy Yannick from our association www.ventdureve.net he's usual job is teaching agricultural methods and biology.
Right now he's heading towards a 8 month around the world trip. This (french) website explains the project and will relate their action

They want to promote "fair" trade (commerce équitable in french) which imply shortening the number of intermediaries (forgive my english) between the local farmer-producer and the consumer, in order to hand out more cas to the local producer.
They want also, as teachers, to open the children to other cultures and other agricultures. They have about a dozen of french classes who will follow the project during the year as part of their learning.

Would you have any contacts with villages in Australia that would welcome such a project ?

So may be you could help with this one...

aside from that in my post I'm basically saying we're planning on a trip in australia next summer. Frankly i'm not so sure about it, coz we have no cash right now, but if not this year then next year for sure... (may be summer is not the right time too, what would you advise ?)
And also that we're trying to organize a french speaking didgeridoo federation... in France or international depending ... I guess it'll be the french federation with some affiliates all around the globe...

Message Publié : 16 Août 2003 15:21 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Juin 2003 16:56
Message(s) : 1245
Localisation : >Une aussie que vit a Ballarat, 100 km N-O de Melbourne
VentDuReve a écrit :
Hi Kate, I've heard about you by Marc Elie (I don't think I'm revealing a secret by saying he says you're a very nice person).

(K: Ca alors...now I'm embarrassed and a funny pink colour, mais merci, tu es tres gentil)

SO. I am very interested indeed by your post because... Just yesterday got an email from a friend... Let me copy paste sth (sent to australian artists of the festival) :

we have this guy Yannick from our association www.ventdureve.net he's usual job is teaching agricultural methods and biology.
Right now he's heading towards a 8 month around the world trip. This (french) website explains the project and will relate their action

They want to promote "fair" trade (commerce équitable in french) which imply shortening the number of intermediaries (forgive my english) between the local farmer-producer and the consumer, in order to hand out more cas to the local producer.
They want also, as teachers, to open the children to other cultures and other agricultures. They have about a dozen of french classes who will follow the project during the year as part of their learning.

Would you have any contacts with villages in Australia that would welcome such a project ?

So may be you could help with this one...

aside from that in my post I'm basically saying we're planning on a trip in australia next summer. Frankly i'm not so sure about it, coz we have no cash right now, but if not this year then next year for sure... (may be summer is not the right time too, what would you advise ?)
And also that we're trying to organize a french speaking didgeridoo federation... in France or international depending ... I guess it'll be the french federation with some affiliates all around the globe...

Contact with small towns...hmmm, well, I live in one! Population 2500 in the township with outlying farms - it's mostly sheep grazing and potato growing, with some cattle farming.
Are you looking at very small communities? Any useful contacts I have would probably be in my city (Ballarat) rather than my town. Deux de mes amis de L'alliance Francaise de Ballarat sont professeurs - one English/French teacher and one Maths teacher, at secondary schools.
I can talk to them and maybe they know somebody who knows somebody.
I had a look at the site, but I can't read enough of it to get a really good idea of the project, but I'm sure I'll learn more as you go along.

As for a trip to Australia next summer: really, I'd recommend Autumn as the temperatures are much better. I imagine you'd be trying to travel as much of the country as possible, so to avoid floods you should avoid the northern wet season - about mid October - March.
In Victoria (and in other southern states) late March to end of April are the nicest times of all for travelling. Normally consistent warm weather, little rain, and without being too hot.

About planning a trip downunder: A few years ago when my husband was still doing his Aboriginal studies at Ballarat University, there was a travelling group of foreign students touring the country and they put a request through the Uni for billeted accommodation with local families.
When my husband found out they were all girls, 16 year old Swedish Gymnasts, he said 'I'll take two, thanks!" (hehe) and we did.
It was a lot of fun. We just had to pick them up at the designated spot, have them stay with us for a couple of days, and deliver them to a couple of their performances, which we got in to see for free.
It was a very nice cultural exchange. The students saved up the air fare themselves, and as they did the billeting thing all around Australia, they didn't have to worry about any accommodation costs, as far as I know.

Maybe you could try something like that through the Alliance Francaise network in Australia?
Some Alliance Francaise groups have real 'desperado' members who will go to just about any lengths to be able to practice their French with 'real' French people LOL (the group I'm in is a prime example! but I don't know about others) Alliance Francaise appears to be in every Australian state except 1 or two.
When I decided to start having France Downunder Parties in my city, mes amis only took about 5 seconds to decide they wanted in on that! They don't take a lot of convincing for stuff like that..

Just an idea for you to think about.....


Message Publié : 05 Sep 2003 12:09 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Juin 2003 16:56
Message(s) : 1245
Localisation : >Une aussie que vit a Ballarat, 100 km N-O de Melbourne

Car ce sujet est a propos des Digeridoos, j'ai pense que je placer un photo de mon Digeridoo ici.

C'est tres speciale parce que normalement, les Digeridoos moderne sont seulement peindre, et le mien est 'carved' (='gravure'?)
C'est aussi un Antique et vient de Maralinga (Sud Australie, il n'y sont pas des gens la il y a beaucoup des annees, a cause de 'testing atomique)

Ce Digeridoo est de l'age de plus de 50 ans. Mon mari peut le jouer, mais c'est tres difficile.

Kate :)

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