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Le fuseau horaire est UTC+8 heures [Heure d’été]

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Message Publié : 08 Mars 2004 13:47 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Juin 2003 16:56
Message(s) : 1245
Localisation : >Une aussie que vit a Ballarat, 100 km N-O de Melbourne
When he wakes up, I hope he understands why he can't say he worked as a "cooker"!
Sometimes my francophone friends with over 10 years experience in writing English still fall for this one, de temps en temps!

Sans doute a cause de les intricacies and inconsistencies in the English language, (and just to keep people on their toes!) you can't do it, unless you wish to say that you were the actual cooking pot! :mrgreen:
Then you were the 'cooker'.

Mais, je sais, c'est tricky.
You can be a driver, a machine operator, a swimmer, a walker (which can also be used as a noun)....many things, mais jamais un cooker!

So ends Kate's language tip for the day: beware the myriad of exceptions to the rules... :D


Message Publié : 08 Mars 2004 13:56 
FranceDownUnder Addict
FranceDownUnder Addict
Inscription : 19 Déc 2002 09:25
Message(s) : 139
Localisation : Ulsan
Est ce qu'il y a un sens "cache" a cooker?

Je sais que ma tendre qui est "chef" deteste qu'on lui dise que son job est "cooker". Pourtant elle fait juste la cuisine :mrgreen:

Message Publié : 08 Mars 2004 14:52 
FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 04 Avr 2003 13:04
Message(s) : 374
Localisation : Parish of Jika Jika in the State of Victoria
You are almost there Martin but you are still displaying inconsistencies in capitalisation (e.g. Music, cinema), also in punctuation (colons and full-stops). There should be no space between the end of a word and a colon and full-stops are sometimes omitted. The word experience needs correction too.

More importantly, there should be a list of referees on your résumé and don't forget to date your letter and to include your residential address.

It is no secret that a cooker besides being a stove or a pot is also a person who concocts or manipulates something. It is rather disparaging to call a chef a cooker.

Message Publié : 09 Mars 2004 05:26 
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FranceDownUnder Addict
FranceDownUnder Addict
Inscription : 26 Oct 2003 09:43
Message(s) : 131
Localisation : avant Sydney (Chippendale), now TOULOUSE
Laurent a écrit :
Un petit conseil sur l'intitule de ton diplome... un diplome d'ingenieur ne se traduit pas "Master" mais "Graduate" car le "Master" vient apres le Graduate (en equivalence Francaise cela orrespondrait a un Bac +6).

salut a tous humm à l'EISTI on a l'équivalence Master's degree, c'est inscrit sur notre diplôme d'ingé, mais est ce une exception? car je croyais que toutes les ecoles d'ingé agrées cti en france (ou presque) délivraient l'équivalence...

  Re: here he comes !!!
Message Publié : 09 Mars 2004 07:06 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 15 Avr 2003 15:03
Message(s) : 659
Localisation : Melbourne
jooky a écrit :
Citer :
Phone Number : (0033) ------

Encore une remarque, tu as mis ton numero de telephone sur le net : c'est pas forcement une bonne idee :mrgreen:

En plus je pense que c'est plus 001 33-------

+33 (0)6 -------.

Data base -> Database

Language : reasonable standard of English
No french ??? Might sounds obvious but it may be interesting for your potential employer

Experience: Dis-en plus. Expliques tes objectifs, responsabilites et moyens mis en oeuvre.

Ou est passe UNIX ???? Ajoutes une categorie OS.
Par contre video games est encore la (on voit tes priorites :mrgreen: )

Ton CV, n'a pas besoin de tenir sur une page comme en France.

Points qui ont deja ete abordes mais qui me semblent importants:
Ajoutes 2 ou 3 references: Nom, fonction, email, telephone.(parlant anglais si possible sinon a preciser)
Insistes sur ce que tu peux apporter a la societe plutot que sur ce que la societe va t'apporter a toi.

My 2 cts.


Message Publié : 09 Mars 2004 08:59 
Inscription : 29 Nov 2003 00:09
Message(s) : 26
Sorry about "cooker", but yesterday i was 07 years old ! :mrgreen:
Actually my brain was so stone that i have wrote the first word who pass througt my mind ! :lol:

Ou alors j'ai de gros probleme avec mon anglais ce qui n'est pas exclu d'ailleur !!! :mrgreen:

Message Publié : 09 Mars 2004 09:59 
Inscription : 29 Nov 2003 00:09
Message(s) : 26
Grégoire Martin

The Personal Manager

Dear Sir/Madam,

For my diploma « master of computer engineering » to become an engineer, it is essential to have work experience in an english firm.
I am hoping to work for an international firm and would be particularly pleased to have some training in your firm.

I am enrolled in a three-year degree to become an engineer in the field of computer engineering at the 3IL school in Limoges. A twenty four week experience period is a compulsory part of my course, and the report in which I will write about my placement in your company will be presented orally for the examination.

Throughout my studies I have learned and used many computer languages and methods. I enjoy working with people, as well, demonstrating products, and educating others in their uses. I believe I would excel in your firm because I truly find that an international experience is a challenging and rewarding career.

I would be very grateful if you would consider me for a placement in your firm from 15 march to 29 august 2004.
work experience in english firm would enable me to gain the knowledge of international business practice which I need.

Ps: Please find enclosed my curriculum vitae.

Yours faithfully,
Gregoire Martin.

:D what do you think about this one :?:

Message Publié : 09 Mars 2004 10:25 
Inscription : 29 Nov 2003 00:09
Message(s) : 26
Martin Grégoire, 3rd year student
at the engineering school of Limoges (France)

Age : 23 years old
Sex : Male
Nationality : French
Marital status : Single
Phone Number : +33 (0).............
E-Mail : ..............

Education :

2001 – 2004 : Master degree of computer engineering at 3IL Limoges (France).

1999 – 2001 : Preparatory classes : two-year undergraduate intensive course in mathematics and physics.
National competitive examination for admission to the French "Grandes Ecoles".

1999 : Secondary school at "lycée Montesquieu", Le Mans (France). General certificate of education advanced level with honours.

Expérience :

2003 : Two months practical engineering experience as a web developer with PHP, MySQL and an Apache server, in the Georges Pompidou Hospital, Paris.

2002: Two months practical engineering experience as a software developer in the Mutuelles du Mans Assurances, Le Mans.
I had to translate an Excel software to Visual Basic with an Oracle database.

Other skills :

Language : fluent french, reasonable standard of English.

Computer languages : PHP, ASP, Java script, VRML, HTML.
C/C++, OpenGL, Java.

Database : Oracle, Mysql, Access.

Other : MFC, DLL, ActiveX.

OS : Windows 9X/NT/2000/XP, Linux Mandrake/Redhat.

Interests :

Licence: Car. Excellent driving record.

Hobbies : football, music, cinema.

Message Publié : 09 Mars 2004 10:36 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
Message(s) : 1814
Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
Juste un mot, le bac, ici, c'est HSC: High School Certificate.


Message Publié : 09 Mars 2004 10:36 
FranceDownUnder Addict
FranceDownUnder Addict
Inscription : 19 Déc 2002 09:25
Message(s) : 139
Localisation : Ulsan
Citer :
A twenty four week experience period

J'aurais mis un "s" a week

Et tu utilises souvent "firm", essaie de le remplacer par autre chose de temps a autre

Message Publié : 09 Mars 2004 10:38 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
Message(s) : 1814
Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
jooky, la, il faut demander a nos specialistes: Kate et Jean-Marie :wink:

je dirai sans s et twenty four week-training period mais je vais attendre que les pro corrigent!!!


Message Publié : 09 Mars 2004 11:45 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Juin 2003 16:56
Message(s) : 1245
Localisation : >Une aussie que vit a Ballarat, 100 km N-O de Melbourne
Celine-IBT a écrit :
jooky, la, il faut demander a nos specialistes: Kate et Jean-Marie :wink:

je dirai sans s et twenty four week-training period mais je vais attendre que les pro corrigent!!!


"24 week experience period" definitely doesn't sound right.
("24 week work experience period" or Celine's "twenty-four week training period") would be correct.

Et Jooky, tu as raison.
Gregoire, vary the usage of the word 'firm' a bit to make it less overused. Try 'business', or better, 'company' occasionally peut etre.


  a few more things....
Message Publié : 09 Mars 2004 11:49 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Juin 2003 16:56
Message(s) : 1245
Localisation : >Une aussie que vit a Ballarat, 100 km N-O de Melbourne
Gregoire, back back a bit, I've found something else, if you haven't fixed it yet...

"work experience in english firm would enable me to gain the knowledge of international business practice which I need. "

(You forgot the capital and a couple of other things).


"Work experience in an English firm would enable me to gain the knowlege of international business practice which I require."

Also, proper nouns like days of the week, months of the year, degree titles and countries all need capital letters:
so you need to fix March and August,
plus "Master of Computer Engineering"
and "Curriculum Vitae" being the name of something, I would do that in start caps as well (though some might debate that, and the need to put a caps on the 'e' in "English firm" but I think you need to make a difference between any old english - as in learning english, and the English as in England the country.

Hope this makes it clearer.

Under your "2002 Experience" heading, something is also amiss.

"I had to translate an Excel software to Visual Basic with an Oracle database"

This either has to be "an Excel software PROGRAMME" if it was one programme, or "Excel software" (without the 'an') if it was just translating in general, not specific.


PS Sand, maybe I (or a couple of us if more have time) could write an article for FDU with some guidelines for writing a C.V. for Australia, since the style layout is also different here. Others could then follow some step by step guidelines, and just ask questions for small things which don't fall into the categories. What do you others think? Would that be useful?

Message Publié : 09 Mars 2004 12:32 
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FranceDownUnder Addict
FranceDownUnder Addict
Inscription : 26 Sep 2003 13:57
Message(s) : 163
Localisation : Adelaide

Citer :
oops pas d'accent en anglais
Citer :
Mutuelles du Mans Assurances, Le Mans
perhaps translate in brackets as the Le Mans Mutual Insurance Company
Citer :
Language : fluent french
Citer :
the report in which
the report which
Citer :
people, as well, demonstrating products
people, as well as demonstrating products
Citer :
work experience in english firm
work experience in an English speaking firm
Citer :
Ps: Please find enclosed my curriculum vitae.
PS (or ps) : please find etc should be after the writer's name. Post = after and Script =the writing

juste à temps

Message Publié : 09 Mars 2004 13:21 
FranceDownUnder Addict
FranceDownUnder Addict
Inscription : 19 Déc 2002 09:25
Message(s) : 139
Localisation : Ulsan
ben pourquoi pas de "s" a "24 week training period"

(j'aurais pas du dormir pandant les cours d'anglais...)

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