des recettes/plats traditionelles d'australie
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Auteur :  Kate [ 03 Août 2004 16:07 ]
Sujet du message :  from the FDU Kitchen....mmmm yum, Tartiflette!


Voila, j'ai essaye et mange la Tartiflette pour la premiere fois le weekend passe.

Thanks a lot to Ozman for all the stuff for the Tartiflette.

It's now my new favourite potato dish even better than Swiss potatoes au gratin.


PS: the funny colour on the top: when I wasn't looking, the Vegetarian got to it and marked the half without bacon by pouring paprika over the top.

Auteur :  KmL [ 03 Août 2004 18:34 ]
Sujet du message : 

Hi Kate!! J'aimerai bien teste les ANZAC biscuits!
OZMAN m'avait transmis la recette que tu lui a donne qd je l'ai vu a Toulon mais j'ai pas eu le courage de me mettre aux fourneaux :cry:

Auteur :  Kate [ 04 Août 2004 09:14 ]
Sujet du message :  Carrot Cake

Maybe you might like this recette to try - it's foolproof (super facile).
I used to make it a lot when I didn't know how to cook ANYTHING, and it never failed. The worst that can happen is that you leave it a few too many minutes in the oven and the top goes a bit crunchy.
* Note: be sure to check before removing from the oven that the middle is not still 'wet' when you test it by inserting the skewer right into it, as sometimes it looks fine on top, but is not quite done inside.

Sultana Carrot Cake
1 1/2 tasses de farine - plain wholemeal (non levure)
1 cuil a cafe bicarbonate of soda
1/2 cuil a cafe de 'mixed spice'
1/2 cuil a cafe de cannelle
1 tasse des raisins des smyrne
1 1/2 tasse des carrottes, rapee
2 oeufs
3/4 tasse de huile - safflower or maize (ou huile d'olive works too)
1/2 tasse du sucre (blanc)

1. Sift together farine, soude, spice & cinnamon (return to bowl any flour husks left in sifter). Mix in the sultanas, carrots and sugar. Make a well in the centre.

2. With a fork, beat together the eggs and oil, et ajouter to the bowl, stir in the mixture from the sides of the bowl and then beat well.

3. Turn into a well greased loaf (long & high) tin (with greased paper on the bottom) and bake in a moderate oven (190-200 deg C) for about 60 minutes, or until done when tested with a skewer. Leave in tin for 5 mins on top of stove, then carefully turn out onto a cake cooling rack.

Ice with lemon icing (or if you like it more fattening, lemon icing with butter added to make a soft icing)

Bon appetit!

I'll make one in the next few days and put up a pic.


PS: for the Mixed Spice, over here it just comes in a pre mixed packet, and I think it contains a mixture of cannelle, noix du muscade & stuff like that.

Auteur :  yannick [ 04 Août 2004 09:58 ]
Sujet du message : 

Dans la categorie biscuits Australiens, il y'a aussi les wattleseed biscuits qui sont carrement excellents. Je serai malheureusement incapable de donner la recette et encore moins de les cuisiner (le seul ustensile de cuisine dont je sais me servir est le telephone, pour commander une pizza ou autre take-away :oops: ) mais vraiment ils sont addictive comme biscuits....

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