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  Visa de travail après 45 ans
Message Publié : 27 Juin 2007 17:52 
New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 27 Juin 2007 17:38
Message(s) : 3

Je souhaiterais simplement savoir s'il est possible d'obtenir un visa de travail quand on a 45 ans ?

J'ai lu que pour le visa permanent ce n'était pas possible, mais existe-t-il d'autres solutions ?

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

Message Publié : 02 Juil 2007 21:43 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 25 Avr 2005 04:00
Message(s) : 400
Localisation : Berlin, London, Paris, Manly, St Malo, Back to Manly, North Sydney, Chiswick
Bonjour Pierre,
en general le critere d'age t'exclut de la plupart des visas de travail (sauf pour tres peu sous "circonstances exceptionnelles").

Les options qui te restent sont de type visa business ou investisseur. Certains sont des visas temporaires pouvant etre transformes en permanents quand le succes du business est avere ou l'investissement realise dans la duree.
Toutefois bien souvent la limite d'age passe a 55 ans.
Je te mets ci dessous quelques exemples:

State/Territory Sponsored Investor (Provisional) (Subclass 165)
This visa is for people who have a successful business or investment career, and have a genuine and realistic commitment to be involved in investing or business in Australia. This visa is also the first step towards being granted a permanent Business Skills visa.

Who is this visa for?
This visa is for investors/business people from overseas who are willing to invest funds in a designated investment in Australia for four (4) years, and are less than 55 years of age.


Investor Retirement (Subclass 405)
This visa is designed for self-funded retirees who have no dependants and who want to reside in Australia during their retirement years. The visa is temporary and will not lead to Australian permanent residence or citizenship.

Who is this visa for?
People from overseas who are 55 years or older, have no dependants (other than a spouse who can be any age), are self supported, and are able to make a significant long term financial investment in Australia.
http://www.dimia.gov.au/visitors/specia ... /index.htm

State/Territory Sponsored Senior Executive (Provisional) (Subclass 164)

This visa is designed is for senior executive employees of major overseas businesses, who have significant net assets and a genuine and realistic commitment to participate in the management of a new or existing business. This visa is also the first step towards being granted a permanent Business Skills visa.

Who is this visa for?
Senior executives from overseas who through their experience have gained the skills to successfully manage a business in Australia, are less than 55 years old, and their family.


State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner (Provisional) (Subclass 163)

This visa is for people who have a successful business career, and have a genuine and realistic commitment to be involved as an owner in a new or existing business in Australia. This visa is also the first step towards being granted a permanent Business Skills visa.

Who is this visa for?
This visa is for business owners from overseas who intend to own a business in Australia, and are less than 55 years old.

State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner (Provisional) (Subclass 163)

Bon courage.

Message Publié : 05 Juil 2007 18:30 
New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 27 Juin 2007 17:38
Message(s) : 3
Merci Jeff pour ces précieuses informations.

Les visas correspondants aux "Sponsored Senior Executive" et "Sponsored Business Owner " semblent correspondrent à ma situation.

Merci. Pierre

Message Publié : 05 Juil 2007 22:34 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 25 Avr 2005 04:00
Message(s) : 400
Localisation : Berlin, London, Paris, Manly, St Malo, Back to Manly, North Sydney, Chiswick
Je t'en prie Pierre.
etant donne le caractere un peu plus "rare" de ces visas je te recommande l'utilisation d'un agent. Je conseille toujours le mien Mark Webster d'Acacia immigration (http://www.acacia-au.com) qui a pas mal d'experience, enseigne le droit de l'immigration et est tres sympa.
Bon courage.

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