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  Un autre article sur l'emigration...
Message Publié : 08 Mars 2005 08:54 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 13 Juil 2004 04:59
Message(s) : 450
Localisation : Toronto -> Sydney!
Un autre article sur l'emigration...
bonne lecture pour ceux que ca interesse...

J'ai trouve cet article ici: http://www.theadvertiser.news.com.au/co ... 11,00.html

Citer :
Migrant skills need 'chronic'

THE Australian Government must boost permanent immigration numbers by 55,000 in five years to meet critical skill shortages, the nation's peak housing group says.

The Housing Industry Association says increasing the number of immigrants from this year's predicted 120,000 to 175,000 a year by 2010 was the only way to meet trade shortfalls, particularly in regional areas.

"This would represent a historically high level of immigration but would be justified by the positive economic benefits," the HIA says in its submission to the Federal Government's 2005-2006 migration program review.

The target figure coincides with calls from HIA (SA) executive director Brenton Gardner for the South Australian Government to do more to lure the nation's share of immigrants to SA to meet chronic shortages in mostly tilers, plasterers and bricklayers.

"Going back some decades, SA used to receive a very high proportion of immigrant numbers of about 8 or 10 per cent," Mr Gardner said.

"I think it's down to the 2 or 4 per cent stage.

"We are in the best position we have been in for a long time in terms of our employment figures, so now we can actively promote both our lifestyle and employment opportunities."

Without boosting the numbers of skilled tradespeople, consumers faced major price hikes in the housing sector during the next building boom, he said.

"Taking a long-term view you can see all the building trades are going to come under pressure and that includes carpenters, electricians and plumbers," Mr Gardner said.

The HIA also wants more incentives to get newly arriving workers to settle in regional areas and to increase the refugee intake by 2000.

Recognising the skills shortage, the State Government planned to attract 2500 skilled migrants annually to SA by 2008, Treasurer Kevin Foley said .

"We have had some encouraging early results with 2176 skilled migrants moving to SA in the 12 months to June 30," he said.

Prime Minister John Howard said last week Federal Cabinet would consider increasing total migration to 140,000 – the most in nearly two decades.

Worker shortages also existed in other sectors such as manufacturing, transport and medicine.

Message Publié : 08 Mars 2005 09:06 
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Inscription : 06 Oct 2002 18:35
Message(s) : 604
Localisation : NSW Mid-North Coast, Australia.
C'est en effet un sujet bien en vogue en Australie en ce moment...
Plus de 600 articles sur la seule requête "skilled migrants" dans Google News Autralia : http://news.google.com.au/news?hl=en&ne ... d+migrants

je déplace dans 'Actu & Politique', c'est là qu'on regroupe les revues de presse...
J'ai aussi ajouté des balises [quote] à ton post, ca fait plus joli, non ? :wink:

Message Publié : 08 Mars 2005 09:44 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 13 Juil 2004 04:59
Message(s) : 450
Localisation : Toronto -> Sydney!
merci Sand, mais j'avoue que je suis un peu nul avec l'informatique...
Quand tu parles par exemple "d'editer" un message, ca me fige... ca veut dire quoi :shock:

Bon, si j'ai bien compris le sous entendu j'arrete d'envoyer ce genre d'article...

Message Publié : 08 Mars 2005 11:41 
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Inscription : 06 Oct 2002 18:35
Message(s) : 604
Localisation : NSW Mid-North Coast, Australia.
Arnault a écrit :
Quand tu parles par exemple "d'editer" un message, ca me fige... ca veut dire quoi :shock:

Rien de compliqué, il s'agit de cliquer sur l'icone Image (en haut à droite de chacun de tes messages) pour retourner à la fenetre d'edition de message. Tu peux donc modifier ton message, corrriger les fautes, ajouter une infos oubliée, etc.
Les modérateurs et les admins FDU eux ont le pouvoir d'éditer tous les messages...

Quand je dis que j'ai édité ton post pour rajouter des balises
Citer :
, ca veut dire que j'ai selectionné le texte que tu citais et que j'ai cliqué sur le bouton "Quote" (dans le mode edition) pour faire que le texte qui n'est pas de toi resorte dans un encadré blanc... Ce n'est pas obligatoire moi ca aide beaucoup à la lisibilité du forum...

Citer :
Bon, si j'ai bien compris le sous entendu j'arrete d'envoyer ce genre d'article...

Non pas du tout, le forum 'Actu & politique' à été créé pour partager des articles de presse en rapport avec l'actualité australienne et pouvoir en débattre ensemble (dans un esprit ouvert et courtoix, bien entendu... :roll: ).
J'ai ajouté le lien google news pour montrer l'abondance d'info sur le sujet, maitenant il est toujours interessant de savoir le(s)quel(s) de ses 600 articles est à retenir et ou à lire absoluemment...

  un autre article...
Message Publié : 24 Mars 2005 18:44 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Juin 2003 16:56
Message(s) : 1245
Localisation : >Une aussie que vit a Ballarat, 100 km N-O de Melbourne
Skilled Workers:
PM Supports company

17-3-05, The Courier, Ballarat.

Prime Minister John Howard has defended Ballarat transport company MaxiTRANS over its decision to put on hold 8 local apprenticeships in favour of skilled Chinese labour.

Mr Howard told parliament yesterday the company's decision to employ skilled Chinese welders had not come at the expense of local apprentices.
"The two groups are not substitutes" Mr Howard said.
"The decision, so I am advised, to source skilled workers from overseas was taken last year and the process commenced in the last half of last year," Mr Howard said.
"This was before the arrangments for the 2005 intake of apprentices."

But Ballarat MHR Catherine King said Mr Howard had again failed to answer her question as to why his government had failed to act on the skill shortage crisis.
"John Howard has admitted that the skill crisis has plagued Ballarat business, families and workers for over a yar, "Ms King said.
"John Howard has claimed that the Chinese welders and boilermakers have not displaced Australian apprentices....this only goes to show the true extent of the skills crisis. Companies like MaxiTRANS have had to turn to overseas workers as far back as 2004."

Minister for Vocational and Technical Education Gary Hardgrave said "commencing apprentices could not undertake the tasks that the skilled immigrants will be performing."

Maxitrans managing director Michael Brockhoff said the company decided to recruit 43 welders from China after it was unable to find skilled workers locally.
"We welcome recent political debate on the shortage of skills in Australia and support moves by all sections of the community to fix it," Mr Brockhoff said.
Ballarat Trades Hall secretary Graeme Shearer implored the company to have a consultation at a Ballarat level and to find a solution to the problem, without going overseas.

The latest news I have on this subject, which has quite interested the residents of my city (and many support the move to bring in the Chinese workers) is that they could arrive in as soon as 1 month.

What also interests me is how it is that they're coming but they speak little (if any English) - the multicultural organisation I'm involved with re: English tutoring in Ballarat for migrants will probably have the job of settling them in so this is how I know.

It gives the impression to me that our city is so desperate in some areas of the skills crisis that it is willing to bring in skilled workers whether they have English or not....


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