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  [Sydney] TTC10 Wed 20 oct @ Slip Inn 8 PM sharp
Message PubliĂ© : 29 Sep 2004 21:57 
New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 28 Juin 2004 15:45
Message(s) : 3
Localisation : Sydney
J'organise depuis un an deja le Think Tank Club, a savoir un Cafe Philo a la Francaise mais ... pas trop Philo ... et en Anglais. Tous les details sont dans l'email suivant. Si vous etes interesses envoyez moi un e-mail a l'adresse ndelaye@bigpond.net.au pour que je vous ajoute sur la liste.

My fellow think tank clubbers,

First of all a big MERCI to all of you who turned up to the TTC anniversary party, including my core French mates (and their other halves… or thirds but maybe I am saying too much) who desperately tried to miss the debates but turned out at voting time. You've done well because we started really late on purpose to be sure you would somehow be involved. For all responses to preconceived ideas about TTC, please refer to the FAQ section at the end of this e-mail.

Special thanks as well to Marika and Patrick who made their house and their muscles (and their brains - especially Marika who also run one debate) available to make this party a little success. Thanks in advance for the second year anniversary... Other special thanks for my "sister" Carla and Tim for animating the romantic debate. And thanks to all the Jamie Oliver’s of this world who confirmed that party food’s refinement can go beyond chips and dips. Finally thanks to James for his telepathic participation.

We managed to run the 3 debates in parallel with movements between debates, there were plenty of new people who actually got involved and had things to say.

The vote for TTC10’s topic was a bit difficult because it is not easy to ask 50 drunk people on late Friday night to raise hands to choose a discussion topic, so we had to choose based on cheering volume, and as you can imagine it is not the most esoteric topic that was selected: “Do we have sex for pleasure or for love?”. Wow! This topic really blew me away. No pun intended. No pun achieved? OK. So, I applied for the first time my censorship right (which I conveniently granted myself as an anniversary present) and tweaked the wording to raise the topic above kindergarten’s level.

The topic is now worded as follows: “Can there be pleasure without love?”. So let's all meet on Wednesday 20 August, in the usual location, i.e. Sand Bar (Slip Inn, Sussex x Slip, indoor bar, downstairs), for more smarter social fun for special thinkers. Debates kick off at 8pm SHARP, so please arrive a bit earlier to socialise and get yourself a drink and some food.

I am working on a summer special TTC – philosophy in the nude. I will give you more details later on. Just kidding – for the nude thing, not for the summer special (I found the ideal spot in Manly). Unless you really want to.

If someone forwards you this e-mail and you are interested, please reply to me direct so that I can add you to the list. Also if you are interested but do not receive the e-mail please check your SPAM folder regularly.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Nicolas Delaye

04 21 053 424

PS: Please let me know if you want to be removed from this e-mail list


When did it all start?

The concept of the Think Tank Club (TTC) was created in 2001 over a

(few) beer(s) by your servitor and James the traveller. The concept became reality in 2003, with the vital and always charming assistance of MC Daniela (Master Communicator).

What is it all about?

The CONCEPT is to recreate in a bar on a week night the atmosphere of a dinner party conversation, about one main theme which is not (too) political, philosophical or religious. Over time we will try various formats for the debates, but for the time being we are using a REAL DINNER PARTY FORMAT, where people can interact the way they want.

What do most initially skeptical people say about TTC after the first time?

1 It was a FUN learning exercise

2 It was NOT wanky at all

3 Participants didn’t show off

4 I didn’t feel obliged to speak at any time

5 I met great people and simply had a great night

6 Nicolas was so HOT tonight

Where does it usually take place?

At the Slip Inn on corner King St and Sussex St in the City. We have a room for ourselves where we can sit in comfortable lounges set in semi-circle. This is in the Sand Bar, downstairs.

Can we eat and drink?

Food and drinks can be purchased from the garden bar at the Slip Inn (more info on http://www.merivale.com/slipinn).

What are the 3 common sense commandments?

We should bear in mind the following 3 COMMANDMENTS to avoid turning the bar into a fish market:

1. Don't cannibalise the conversation

2. Listen to what people have to say, even if what they say does not make sense to you

3. Do not abuse other people, even if you think they deserve it

Also please be aware we can't smoke in the room we booked.

How do we choose topics?

At the end of each session, we vote for the next topic. There are 3 categories (relationships, social, philosophical) and we do play-offs in each category, then a grand final with the 3 finalists.

What topics have we already discussed?

1. Are sms and emails a progress for communication between human beings? 17/9/3

2. Friendship between male and female: myth or reality? 29/10/3

3. The art of flirting: what works? 28/1/4

4. What is happiness, and do intelligence and knowledge bring us more? 10/3/4

5. Should we take more risks? 14/4/4

6. Is marriage an outdated institution? 2/5/4 (special venue Bungalow 8)

7. Can people really change 23/6/4

8. Do we really need to know what is happening today in the world? 3/8/4


Can we have more than one love of our life?
Was the world better in the "old days"?
Is life a series of choices or coincidences?

Do I need to do some homework?

Use your brain 5 minutes a day, that will do. You can also play in advance with http://www.debatabase.org or google if you want to show off.

Why do we need to debate when the question is A or B, when we know the answer is a bit of A and a bit of B?

Life is never black and white. By exploring both angles we are getting a bit closer to our own truth… And also beers are good at the Slip Inn anyway.

  trop cool!
Message PubliĂ© : 30 Sep 2004 15:15 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 27 Sep 2004 07:15
Message(s) : 474
Localisation : Northern beaches since 2003
trop cool, ca me manque les grands themes de societe :mrgreen:
count me in!

  Re: trop cool!
Message PubliĂ© : 30 Sep 2004 16:00 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 03 FĂ©v 2004 23:32
Message(s) : 805
Localisation : Sydney (Crows Nest)
Vriq a Ă©crit :
trop cool, ca me manque les grands themes de societe :mrgreen:
count me in!

Pour votre information au slip inn du lundi au jeudi soir ils font des plats a 5 dol : au choix steack puree ou spaghettis vegetariens (je conseille le steack puree avec une sauce au poivre pas degueux a ce prix la ...). Pour ceux qui veulent manger pas cher et correctement c'est pas trop mal.
Et si vous demandez la carte slip inn (qui est gratuite), vous avez 20% de reduc sur les boissons.

C'etait Marco les bons tuyaux ... ;)

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