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  [Sydney] 7/11 - Diner Froggy's Friends
Message Publié : 04 Nov 2003 10:29 
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Inscription : 06 Oct 2002 18:35
Message(s) : 604
Localisation : NSW Mid-North Coast, Australia.
Bonjour à tous,

En attendant ZE big soirée FDU sur Sydney, je vous propose une occasion très sympa de se retrouver entre francophones sur Sydney :

L'association Froggy's Friends, dont s'occuppe Sandrine Charruyer (et oui ! une autre Sand... que ferait les francophones d'Australie sans les Sand je vous le demande ! :mrgreen: ), organise tous les mois à Sydney une soirée resto pour se retrouver entre Froggy's...

    Vendredi 7 novembre - Soirée Paella & Tapas
    tel ou sms : 0405188905
    email : Sandrine Charruyer [ufejeunes_aus@hotmail.com.au]

Je vous transmets donc son message... merci de la contacter au plus vite si vous êtes interessés... la réservation auprès de Sandrine est IN-DI-SPEN-SABLE !

Froggy's Friends a écrit :

Dear all,

Christine is in hollidays with her lovely mummy so I must organise the next french diner party which won't be on 1 st wednesday on next month as used to be but Friday 07 November 2003.

The reason of that exceptional change is very simple: I choose A SPANISH RESTAURANT wich I heard already and they organise a flamenco show on week end only .

If you are interested , just let me know now or until 4 days before the date.

I get a very interesting price with the show included. Tha's mean : SALAD+ BREAD+ 1 TAPAS per pax( 16 choices on set menu) + PAELLA wich is for 5 and need 30 mns cooking( 4 choices on set menu)+ the SHOW for $35 only.
BYO with 2.50 $ per cockle , ALCOOL LICENCE +.

If you want a lot of fun and have a good time , please book right now to me via e.mail or sms : 0405188905!

*Booking is essential because they are very busy . I also make a deposit for all people who are coming so please if you let me know you want to come do not cancel at the last minute1 We take a lot of responsability for you and try to get the trust from the restaurant!

See you soon ,

Sincerly all,

See you there !!! :wink:

:D :D :D :D

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