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Le fuseau horaire est UTC+8 heures [Heure d’été]

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Message Publié : 22 Juil 2003 15:37 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
Message(s) : 1814
Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
You see a gorgeous man at a party.
You go up to him and say, "I'm fantastic in bed".
That's Direct Marketing.

You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous man. One of your friends goes up to him and pointing at you saying, "She's fantastic in bed".
That's Advertising.

You see a gorgeous man at a party. You go up to him and get his telephone number. The next day you call and say, "Hi, I'm fantastic in bed".
That's Telemarketing.

You're at a party and see a gorgeous man.
You get up and straighten your blouse; you walk up to him and pour him a drink, you offer him a ride home, and then you say,"By the way, I'm fantastic in bed".
That's Public Relations.

You're at a party and see a gorgeous man.
He walks up to you and says, "I hear you're fantastic
in bed".
That's Brand Recognition.

  Good one
Message Publié : 25 Juil 2003 15:40 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Juin 2003 16:56
Message(s) : 1245
Localisation : >Une aussie que vit a Ballarat, 100 km N-O de Melbourne
Hehe, having worked a lot in Marketing, I have to say I find this one very clever and amusing.


Message Publié : 13 Oct 2003 09:48 
Fair Dinkum Mate
Fair Dinkum Mate
Inscription : 13 Oct 2003 09:07
Message(s) : 80
Localisation : Lyon, France
And it can be true the other way round...
Except that I would add this one

You are at party, see a gorgeous woman, start talking with her and she tells you:
"I'm not the least bit interested in you"
That's a market fact...

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